Rabindra N. Mohapatra
Theory of Neutrinos: A White Paper
During 2004, four divisions of the American Physical Society commissioned a study of neutrino physics to take stock of where the field is at the moment and where it is going in the near and far future. Several working groups looked at various aspects of this vast field. The summary was published as a main report entitled ``The Neutrino Matrix'' accompanied by short 50 page versions of the report of each working group. Theoretical research in this field has been quite extensive and touches many areas and the short 50 page report provided only a brief summary and overview of few of the important points. The theory discussion group felt that it may be of value to the community to publish the e…
Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case
We examine the theoretical motivations for long-lived particle (LLP) signals at the LHC in a comprehensive survey of Standard Model (SM) extensions. LLPs are a common prediction of a wide range of theories that address unsolved fundamental mysteries such as naturalness, dark matter, baryogenesis and neutrino masses, and represent a natural and generic possibility for physics beyond the SM (BSM). In most cases the LLP lifetime can be treated as a free parameter from the $\mu$m scale up to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis limit of $\sim 10^7$m. Neutral LLPs with lifetimes above $\sim$ 100m are particularly difficult to probe, as the sensitivity of the LHC main detectors is limited by challenging …
Neutrino mass and baryon-number nonconservation in superstring models
We propose new mechanisms for understanding neutrino masses in superstring models that contain ${\mathrm{E}}_{6}$-singlet zero-mass fields after compactification. We show that the low-energy gauge group of these models can be phenomenologically acceptable. We then comment on \ensuremath{\Delta}B=1 and \ensuremath{\Delta}B=2 baryon-number-violating processes in these models.
The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
233 páginas.-- AHEP Group: et al..-- El Pdf del artículo es la versión pre-print: arXiv.1001.2693v1.-- Trabajo presentado al "The International Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model Physics and LHC Signatures (BSM-LHC) celebrado en Boston (USA) del 2 al 4 de junio de 2009.
New high-sensitivity searches for neutrons converting into antineutrons and/or sterile neutrons at the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source
Abstract The violation of baryon number, B , is an essential ingredient for the preferential creation of matter over antimatter needed to account for the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe. However, such a process has yet to be experimentally observed. The HIBEAM/NNBAR program is a proposed two-stage experiment at the European Spallation Source to search for baryon number violation. The program will include high-sensitivity searches for processes that violate baryon number by one or two units: free neutron–antineutron oscillation ( n → n ̄ ) via mixing, neutron–antineutron oscillation via regeneration from a sterile neutron state ( n → [ n ′ , n ̄ ′ ] → n ̄ ), and neutron disappearan…