Peter Mallmann

Role of Surgical Versus Clinical Staging in Chemoradiated FIGO Stage IIB-IVA Cervical Cancer Patients—Acute Toxicity and Treatment Quality of the Uterus-11 Multicenter Phase III Intergroup Trial of the German Radiation Oncology Group and the Gynecologic Cancer Group

The Uterus-11 trial was designed to evaluate the role of surgical staging in patients with cervical cancer before primary chemoradiation therapy (CRT). The present report provides the toxicity data stratified by the treatment arm and technique.A total of 255 patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage IIB-IVA) were randomized to either surgical staging followed by CRT (arm A) or clinical staging followed by CRT (arm B). Patients with para-aortic metastases underwent extended field radiation therapy (RT). Brachytherapy was mandatory. The present report presents the acute therapy-related toxicities stratified by treatment arm and …

research product

Survey of Fertility Preservation Options Available to Patients With Cancer Around the Globe

Purpose Oncofertility focuses on providing fertility and endocrine-sparing options to patients who undergo life-preserving but gonadotoxic cancer treatment. The resources needed to meet patient demand often are fragmented along disciplinary lines. We quantify assets and gaps in oncofertility care on a global scale. Methods Survey-based questionnaires were provided to 191 members of the Oncofertility Consortium Global Partners Network, a National Institutes of Health–funded organization. Responses were analyzed to measure trends and regional subtleties about patient oncofertility experiences and to analyze barriers to care at sites that provide oncofertility services. Results Sixty-three res…

research product

Invasives Karzinom der Vagina

Vaginalkarzinome gehoren zu den seltenen Tumoren (etwa 500 Falle pro Jahr in Deutschland). Risikofaktoren sind die HPV-Infektion, Immundepression, Nikotinabusus und HPV-assoziierte Vorerkrankungen der Cervix uteri und der Vulva. Als teilweise Primarpravention kann die HPV-Impfung gelten. Eine systematische Fruherkennung existiert angesichts der Seltenheit der Erkrankung nicht. Auffallige zytologische Befunde bei fehlender oder unauffalliger Zervix sollten zu einer intensivierten Untersuchung mit Inspektion und Kolposkopie veranlassen. Es handelt sich uberwiegend um Plattenepithelkarzinome. Die definitive Diagnostik erfolgt durch histologische Sicherung. Zum Staging werden erst in fortgeschr…

research product

Survey of third-party parenting options associated with fertility preservation available to patients with cancer around the globe

Purpose In the accompanying article, “Survey of Fertility Preservation Options Available to Patients With Cancer Around the Globe,” we showed that specific fertility preservation services may not be offered at various sites around the world because of cultural and legal barriers. We assessed global and regional experiences as well as the legal status of third-party reproduction and adoption to serve as a comprehensive international data set and resource for groups that wish to begin oncofertility interventions. Methods We provide data on the legalities of third-party assisted reproductive technologies and other family-building options in the 28 oncofertility-practicing countries surveyed. R…

research product