Antonio Sánchez-mena
Higher education instructors' intention to use educational video games: an fsQCA approach
Educational video games (EVGs) offer instructors a myriad of opportunities to motivate and engage students in the learning process. Nevertheless, instructors can be influenced by barriers that prevent them from using EVGs in their courses (e.g. lack of expertise with EVGs). Instructors can also be influenced by different drivers that might increase their intention to use EVGs. This research analyses the effects of four variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attention, and relevance) as factors contributing or preventing the use of EVGs by instructors serving in Higher Education institutions. Data of 170 instructors, who were surveyed through an online questionnaire using a …
Teachers’ intention to use educational video games: The moderating role of gender and age
Educational video games represent an educational change that challenges teachers and managers of Higher Education institutions in several ways including their attitude formation and behavioural intention. Using a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach a research model is developed to predict teachers’ behavioural intention to use educational video games in their courses. The research model is tested via structural equation modelling (SEM) on a sample of 312 Higher Education teachers. Main results suggest that perceived usefulness influences in a direct and positive way teachers’ behavioural intention while perceived ease of use indirectly influences intention through perceived usefulnes…
The Role of Perceived Relevance and Attention in Teachers’ Attitude and Intention to Use Educational Video Games
Educational video games (EVGs) are becoming a trending topic in education as a new teaching methodology which can help teachers to increase students’ attention and engagement during the learning process. Nevertheless, despite an increasing academic interest in EVGs little research has been devoted to delve into teacher’s beliefs affecting their attitude towards EVGs and how these beliefs also affect their intention to use EVGs in their courses. Using Keller’s ARCS model as a theoretical framework, the role of perceived relevance and attention in teachers’ attitude and intention to use EVGs is analyzed. To do so a research model is tested using a sample of 312 Higher Education teachers via s…