Francisco Nievas-cazorla
Instrucción en estrategias de comprensión lectora mediante enseñanza recíproca: efectos del agrupamiento de los estudiantes
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two grouping formats on the reading comprehension. Reading comprehension Instruction used reciprocal teaching (RT) that is an instructional procedure to teach students cognitive strategies that might lead to improved reading comprehension. A sample of 43 students in the fourth year of primary education was selected: 18 children were instructed in regular classroom (GG), 8 were instructed in small group (PG), while the remaining 17 made up the comparison group (GC). Two types of comprehension measures were used: tasks of specific effects (getting the main idea, comprehension-monitoring test) and transfer effect measures (standardized test, …
Are There Lower Repetition Priming Effects in Children with Developmental Dyslexia? Priming Effects in Spanish with the Masked Lexical Decision Task.
The aim of this study was to compare the reaction times and errors of Spanish children with developmental dyslexia to the reaction times and errors of readers without dyslexia on a masked lexical decision task with identity or repetition priming. A priming paradigm was used to study the role of the lexical deficit in dyslexic children, manipulating the frequency and length of the words, with a short Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (SOA = 150 ms) and degraded stimuli. The sample consisted of 80 participants from 9 to 14 years old, divided equally into a group with a developmental dyslexia diagnosis and a control group without dyslexia. Results show that identity priming is higher in control childr…
Reading-related Cognitive Deficits in Spanish Developmental Dyslexia
Abstract Spanish-speaking children learn to read words written in a relatively transparent orthography. Variations in orthographic transparency may shape the manifestation of reading difficulties. This study was intended to help clarify the nature of developmental dyslexia in Spanish. Developmentally Dyslexic children (DD) were compared to a chronological age-matched control group (CA). Measures included rapid automated naming, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Results demonstrated that developmental dyslexics show reading-related cognitive deficits in areas such as naming speed, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic…