Philip Hofmann
Current driven insulator-to-metal transition without Mott breakdown in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$
The electrical control of a material's conductivity is at the heart of modern electronics. Conventionally, this control is achieved by tuning the density of mobile charge carriers. A completely different approach is possible in Mott insulators such as Ca$_2$RuO$_4$, where an insulator-to-metal transition (IMT) can be induced by a weak electric field or current. This phenomenon has numerous potential applications in, e.g., neuromorphic computing. While the driving force of the IMT is poorly understood, it has been thought to be a breakdown of the Mott state. Using in operando angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show that this is not the case: The current-driven conductive phase ari…
Observation of an excitonic Mott transition through ultrafast core-cum-conduction photoemission spectroscopy
Time-resolved soft-X-ray photoemission spectroscopy is used to simultaneously measure the ultrafast dynamics of core-level spectral functions and excited states upon excitation of excitons in WSe$_2$. We present a many-body approximation for the Green's function, which excellently describes the transient core-hole spectral function. The relative dynamics of excited-state signal and core levels reveals a delayed core-hole renormalization due to screening by excited quasi-free carriers, revealing an excitonic Mott transition. These findings establish time-resolved core-level photoelectron spectroscopy as a sensitive probe of subtle electronic many-body interactions and an ultrafast electronic…
Proximity Effects on the Charge Density Wave Order and Superconductivity in Single-Layer NbSe2
Collective electronic states such as the charge density wave (CDW) order and superconductivity (SC) respond sensitively to external perturbations. Such sensitivity is dramatically enhanced in two dimensions (2D), where 2D materials hosting such electronic states are largely exposed to the environment. In this regard, the ineludible presence of supporting substrates triggers various proximity effects on 2D materials that may ultimately compromise the stability and properties of the electronic ground state. In this work, we investigate the impact of proximity effects on the CDW and superconducting states in single-layer (SL) NbSe2 on four substrates of diverse nature, namely, bilayer graphene…
Time-resolved core-level photoemission data of tungsten diselenide
Pump-probe core-level photoemission spectroscopy data of tungsten diselenide (WSe2) measured using an electron momentum microscope at the FLASH Free-electron laser.