Cecili Macián-romero
Effect of 2 years of endurance and high-impact training on preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: randomized clinical trial.
The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of endurance and high-impact training oriented toward preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with calcium and vitamin D supplementation.This study was a randomized clinical trial. Thirty-six postmenopausal women were randomized to the control and experimental groups. Thirty-four women completed the 2-year interventions. The control group training involved walking at an intense pace. The experimental group conducted high-impact training specifically oriented to prevent osteoporosis. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was used to estimate the T-scores of the lumbar spine and femoral neck.The fast-walking group showed constant T-scores in …
Tibial Nerve Block: Supramalleolar or Retromalleolar Approach? A Randomized Trial in 110 Participants.
Of the five nerves that innervate the foot, the one in which anesthetic blocking presents the greatest difficulty is the tibial nerve. The aim of this clinical trial was to establish a protocol for two tibial nerve block anesthetic techniques to later compare the anesthetic efficiency of retromalleolar blocking and supramalleolar blocking in order to ascertain whether the supramalleolar approach achieved a higher effective blocking rate. A total of 110 tibial nerve blocks were performed. Location of the injection site was based on a prior ultrasound assessment of the tibial nerve. The block administered was 3 mL of 2% mepivacaine. The two anesthetic techniques under study provided very simi…
Efectos de los soportes plantares sobre la termorregulación de las plantas de los pies durante la carrera
Accésit Congreso SIBB 2015 Existe una gran controversia acerca de si el uso de soportes plantares puede reducir el riesgo de padecer lesiones por sobreuso en corredores. Se ha observado una relación entre las cargas plantares y la temperatura superficial de los pies, por lo que el tipo de soporte plantar podría afectar a la temperatura de la planta del pie. El objetivo del estudio fue, analizar los efectos de los soportes plantares en la temperatura superficial, así como en la simetría térmica, de las plantas de los pies tras la carrera. 12 corredores entrenados realizaron 3 test de 30 minutos de carrera (10 de calentamiento y 20 de prueba al 80% de su Velocidad Aeróbica Máxima) con soporte…
Effect of custom-made and prefabricated insoles on plantar loading parameters during running with and without fatigue.
Controversy exists whether custom-made insoles are more effective in reducing plantar loading compared to prefabricated insoles. Forty recreational athletes ran using custom-made, prefabricated, and the original insoles of their running shoes, at rest and after a fatigue run. Contact time, stride rate, and plantar loading parameters were measured. Neither the insole conditions nor the fatigue state modified contact time and stride rate. Addressing prevention of running injuries, post-fatigue loading values are of great interest. Custom-made insoles reduced the post-fatigue loading under the hallux (92 vs. 130 kPa, P0.05), medial midfoot (70 vs. 105 kPa, P0.01), and lateral midfoot (62 vs 96…
Thermographic quantitative variables for diabetic foot assessment: preliminary results
The aim of this study was to define aspects of a protocol for a diabetic population by obtaining and evaluating thermographic images following thermal stress (cooling of the sole of the foot with c...