Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks
We present results of lattice QCD simulations with mass-degenerate up and down and mass-split strange and charm (N_f = 2+1+1) dynamical quarks using Wilson twisted mass fermions at maximal twist. The tuning of the strange and charm quark masses is performed at two values of the lattice spacing a~0.078 fm and a~0.086 fm with lattice sizes ranging from L~1.9 fm to L~2.8 fm. We measure with high statistical precision the light pseudoscalar mass m_PS and decay constant f_PS in a range 270 < m_PS < 510 MeV and determine the low energy parameters f_0, l_3 and l_4 of SU(2) chiral perturbation theory. We use the two values of the lattice spacing, several lattice sizes as well as different values of…