Luigia Maenza
Cadmium effects on sea urchin embryos
Risposta da stress in embrioni di Paracentrotus lividus esposti a cadmio
Effetti del cadmio sugli embrioni di riccio di mare
Apoptosi indotta da cadmio in embrioni di riccio di mare
Hsp40 Is Involved in Cilia Regeneration in Sea Urchin Embryos
In a previous paper we demonstrated that, in Paracentrotus lividus embryos, deciliation represents a specific kind of stress that induces an increase in the levels of an acidic protein of about 40 kD (p40). Here we report that deciliation also induces an increase in Hsp40 chaperone levels and enhancement of its ectodermal localization. We suggest that Hsp40 might play a chaperoning role in cilia regeneration.