F Bencivinni
MRI abnormalities following repeated and incoming seizures
Neuroimaging, an important diagnostic tool frequently used in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy, has mainly the aim to identify structural abnormalities needing a treatment and to contribute to the definition of the aetiology. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in epilepsy is more sensitive than computerized tomography (CT) scan for detecting abnormalities. Status epilepticus (SE) and repeated incoming seizures may determine extensive and transient or long lasting pronounced MRI changes. We describe a case of a 41-year-old woman with a history of brain neoplasm, whose contrast-enhanced MRI images following repeated and incoming seizures were characterized either by reversible and…
Valore prognostico dell’iperdensità dell’arteria cerebrale media all’esame TC nell’ischemia cerebra
SCOPO DEL LAVORO: Lo scopo di questo lavoro è documentare un caso di Amnesia Globale Transitoria (Transient Global Amnesia, TGA) in un paziente emicranico di sesso maschile di 52 anni con anamnesi negativa per epilessia, disturbi psichiatrici, traumi ed abusi di sostanze. Saranno inoltre effettuati dei cenni sull’epidemiologia e i meccanismi fisiopatologici oggi più accreditati nella letteratura scientifica più recente di questa controversa sindrome neurologica. MATERIALI E METODI: Poco dopo un forte stress emotivo il paziente non ricordava cosa avesse fatto durante il giorno e ripeteva incessantemente le stesse domande a cui erano comunque state date più volte delle risposte dai colleg…
Intratumoral Haemorrhage Causing an Unusual Clinical Presentation of a Vestibular Schwannoma
We present a case of an elderly woman with no history of audiological disease with sudden onset of visual and hearing deficits associated with systemic clinical signs. On examination she had impairment of right CNs from V to X. CT and MR imaging demonstrated a cystic vestibular schwannoma with a rare intralesional fluid-fluid level correlated to a recent bleed. We include high quality MR images to show the acute impairment of the cranial nerves next to the tumour after acute bleeding. Our case report includes a voxel-based morphometry (VMB) analysis of the tumour that, as far as we know, has never been done before for such a tumour. VBM analysis was performed to calculate the hypothesized …
The value of serial MR imaging in the assessment of brain metastases volume control during stereotactic radiosurgery
Purpose: To evaluate early tumour control capabilities of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in the treatment of brain metastasis and the role of follow-up MR imaging. Methods and Materials: MR imaging of 54 metastases in 31 patients treated with SRS who underwent follow-up MR imaging within 12 months were retrospectively reviewed. Tumours were characterized as either enlarged (>20% volume increase), stable (follow-up volume ±20% of the initial volume), or decreased (> 0% volume decrease). Results: Within the first 6 weeks following SRS a decrease was observed in 25 (52%) of the tumours in the extent of 63% in size. Tumour reduction varied according to histopathological subtype with 38% of non…
SCOPO Presentiamo un caso di encefalite virale con lesione reversibile dello splenio del corpo calloso (SCC) in un ragazzo di 16 anni con mononucleosi infettiva da coinfezione Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) e Citomegalovirus (CMV). MATERIALI E METODI Il paziente, a causa della comparsa improvvisa di stato confusionale, irrigidimento e movimenti involontari alternati a tremori in corso di mononucleosi infettiva, giungeva in PS, dove eseguiva una TC encefalo (Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS+ - 128 strati) in condizioni di base ed in tecnica sequenziale, che non evidenziava reperti significativi. Veniva quindi ricoverato con il sospetto di encefalite virale e, il giorno successivo, veniva sottoposto a…
MRI findings in lingual venous malformations.
To describe the plain and enhanced MRI findings of lingual venous malformations and to discuss the importance of contrast medium in the differential diagnosis of high intensity lesions of the tongue on T(2) weighted images.The clinical records and MR images of eight patients affected by a lingual venous malformation were retrospectively reviewed. Patients presented with a palpable submucosal bluish-red soft mass in the tongue. MRI examinations were performed on a 0.5 T superconducting unit. Plain and enhanced SE (spin echo) T(1) weighted and FSE (fast spin echo) T(2) weighted images were acquired in axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Axial SPGR (spoiled gradient recalled echo) T(1) weighte…
Accuracy of SWI sequences compared to T2*-weighted gradient echo sequences in the detection of cerebral cavernous malformations in the familial form
Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), compared with T2*-weighted gradient echo (GRE) imaging in assessing cerebral cavernous malformations. Materials and methods We retrospectively evaluated 21 patients with a familial form of cavernous malformation. Magnetic resonance (MR) protocol included non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced fast-spin echo (FSE) T1-weighted sequences, FSE T2-weighted sequences, fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR), GRE T2*-weighted and SWI sequences. Images were reviewed in consensus by two expert neuroradiologists to assess the location, number, size and conspicuity of the lesions on T2*-weighted GRE …
Imaging processing for CT angiography of the cervicocranial arteries: evaluation of reformatting technique.
Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare computed tomography angiography (CTA) sliding-thin-slab (STS) multiplanar reformatting (MPR), STS maximum intensity projection (MIP) and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering (VR) reformatting techniques in the evaluation of cervicocranial arteries. Materials and methods. Twenty patients examined with multislice CT were included in this study. CTA images were reformatted as STS-MIP, STS-MPR and 3DVR in orthogonal planes and in the oblique-coronal plane. Images were evaluated in consensus by two radiologists, with a third radiologist to resolve discordances in grading image quality parameters. The Spearman correlation analysis was performed to …
Value of serial magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of brain metastases volume control during stereotactic radiosurgery
AIM To evaluate brain metastases volume control capabilities of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) through serial magnetic resonance (MR) imaging follow-up. METHODS MR examinations of 54 brain metastases in 31 patients before and after SRS were reviewed. Patients were included in this study if they had a pre-treatment MR examination and serial follow-up MR examinations at 6 wk, 9 wk, 12 wk, and 12 mo after SRS. The metastasis volume change was categorized at each follow-up as increased (> 20% of the initial volume), stable (± 20% of the initial volume) or decreased (< 20% of the initial volume). RESULTS A local tumor control with a significant (P < 0.05) volume decrease was observed in 25 meta…
PURPOSE: We present a case of transient global amnesia (TGA) onset in a 52-year-old male with a medical history of migraine. METHODS: Patient was taken to ER by his colleagues which reported that after an emotional stress he suddenly appeared perplexed and started asking repetitive questions. In ER a neurological examination excluded other neurological signs or symptoms and it was confirmed that cognitive impairment was limited to the amnesia domain; electroencephalography was unremarkable and he had no history of epileptic seizures or head trauma. At the neurologic examination Capland and Hodges criteria were fulfilled and the diagnostic hypothesis of TGA was placed. He underwent to a brai…
SCOPO DEL LAVORO Presentiamo un caso di una paziente di 24 anni che giunge alla nostra attenzione per la comparsa di disartria come quadro clinico d’esordio di una forma aggressiva di malattia demielinizzante di cui si valuta l’atipica evoluzione neuroradiologica delle lesioni pseudotumorali che la caratterizzano e le possibili diagnosi differenziali. MATERIALI E METODI La paziente dopo una prima valutazione in PS è stata sottoposta a TC encefalo, ricoverata presso l’U.O. di Neurologia, sottoposta a controlli RM seriati (anche con tecniche avanzate); durante la degenza è stata inoltre effettuata una biopsia stereotassica. RISULTATI La TC ha rilevato almeno tre lesioni ipodense: a sinistra…
Hemorragic presentation of Listeria Monocytogenes rhombencephalic abscess.
Listeria monocytogenes (LM) bacterium is a cause of central nervous system (CNS) infection and the most common cause of rhombencephalitis in immunocompetent elderly. A prompt identification of this condition should be always desirable, since its clinical manifestations are often unspecific with prodromal symptoms leading to high rates of morbidity and mortality if underestimated. CNS listeriosis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings are generally not specific. However, in the appropriate clinical setting, focal brainstem hyperintensity on T2-weighted pulse sequences associated with ring-enhancement pattern after i.v. contrast media injection should be suspicious of LM abscess. The diagn…