Virginie Peltier
Enceintes néolithiques de Champagne. Etat des lieux
Saint-Dizier « la Tuilerie » (Haute-Marne) : trois sépultures d’élite du VIe siècle
In 2002, excavations carried out by Marie-Cécile Truc (Inrap) at Saint-Dizier led to the discovery of four graves of exceptional wealth, containing a young woman, two men and a horse, dated to c. 525-550 AD. Dressed and adorned with numerous jewels, the young female was laid in a coffin upon which were placed vessels in glass, copper alloy goblet and ceramic. Each male had been buried in an excavated funerary chamber, built within an oak frame. They were laid in their coffins along with their personal clothing, including a ceremonial sword with two rings added to the pommel. The larger weapons (throwing axes, shields, lances and angons) as well as various utensils were placed either on the …
Les enceintes néolithiques en Champagne-Ardenne du Néolithique moyen au Néolithique final : un état des lieux
Condé-sur-Marne, Marne, "Le Brabant", un habitat du Néolithique final dans la vallée de la Marne, Rapport de fouille archéologique préventive
Relations entre sociétés et environnement en Petite Seine du Mésolithique à la fin du Moyen Âge : nouvelles problématiques et résultats récents d’archéologie environnementale
Actes du colloque Arkéaube; International audience; This jointly authored paper encompasses several contributions which highlight new issues in environmental archaeology and incorporate palaeo-environmental data from preventiveexcavations. More specifically, it broaches three questions:-The evolution of the environment from the Late Glacial to the present day is analysed using faunal remains (malacofaunae—molluscs, etc.) and botanicalremains (pine trunks) preserved in the alluvial deposits of the river Seine;-Riverside occupations based on reconstructions of the hydrography and hydrographic functioning of the channels documented in the Pont-sur-Seine sector and in Bassée;-The marshes assume…