Raquel Taléns-visconti
Liver-specific p38α deficiency causes reduced cell growth and cytokinesis failure during chronic biliary cirrhosis in mice
p38α mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) may be essential in the up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and can be activated by transforming growth factor β, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, and oxidative stress. p38 MAPK activation results in hepatocyte growth arrest, whereas increased proliferation has been considered a hallmark of p38α-deficient cells. Our aim was to assess the role of p38α in the progression of biliary cirrhosis induced by chronic cholestasis as an experimental model of chronic inflammation associated with hepatocyte proliferation, apoptosis, oxidative stress, and fibrogenesis. Cholestasis was induced in wildtype and liver-specific p38α knockout mice by…
Vascular pathology: Cause or effect in Alzheimer disease?
Introduction: Alzheimer disease (AD) is the main cortical neurodegenerative disease. The incidence of this disease increases with age, causing significant medical, social and economic problems, especially in countries with ageing populations. Objective: This review aims to highlight existing evidence of how vascular dysfunction may contribute to cognitive impairment in AD, as well as the therapeutic possibilities that might arise from this evidence. Development: The vascular hypothesis emerged as an alternative to the amyloid cascade hypothesis as an explanation for the pathophysiology of AD. This hypothesis locates blood vessels as the origin for a variety of pathogenic pathways that lead …
Activity–Bioavailability balance in Oral Drug Development for a Selected Group of 6‐Fluoroquinolones
Abstract A nomogram is proposed to select the best candidate in drug development studies with quinolones and is intended to substitute other possible models. The nomogram is referred to as an activity–bioavailability balance (ABB) because it includes the following two criteria: ABB= 1 / gm MIC ( drug candidate ) 1 /gm MIC ( ciprofloxacin ) · F calc \( drug candidate \) F calc ( ciproflaxacin ) . The in vitro activity of a group of 4′ N ‐alkyl‐ciprofloxacin derivatives was determined together with that of ciprofloxacin, initially against some reference strains and subsequently against 159 clinical isolates of eight selected species. The inverse of the geometric mean of the lowest concentrati…
p38 MAPK: A dual role in hepatocyte proliferation through reactive oxygen species
p38 MAPKs are important mediators of signal transduction that respond to a wide range of extracellular stressors such as UV radiation, osmotic shock, hypoxia, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and oxidative stress. The most abundant family member is p38α, which helps to couple cell proliferation and growth in response to certain damaging stimuli. In fact, increased proliferation and impaired differentiation are hallmarks of p38α-deficient cells. It has been reported that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a critical role in cytokine-induced p38α activation. Under physiological conditions, p38α can function as a mediator of ROS signaling and either activate or suppress cell cycle progression depen…
Nuevo escenario en el ámbito de los productos sanitarios en la Unión Europea: Suiza y Reino Unido se convierten en terceros países
Resumen Objetivo: Comparar las medidas que se han tomado por parte de la Unión Europea, Suiza y Reino Unido para mantener la continuidad de mercado cumpliendo con los requisitos regulatorios del Reglamento 745/2017 de Productos Sanitarios. Método: Para realizar este trabajo se han revisado las webs oficiales de la Comisión Europea, la Agencia Española del Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios, la Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products y la Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency del Reino Unido y se han realizado búsquedas bibliográficas en PubMed y en internet (Google) con términos como “withdrawal Mutual Recognition Agreement of certificates of conformity European Union Swit…
p38α regulates actin cytoskeleton and cytokinesis in hepatocytes during development and aging.
[Background]: Hepatocyte poliploidization is an age-dependent process, being cytokinesis failure the main mechanism of polyploid hepatocyte formation. Our aim was to study the role of p38α MAPK in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton and cytokinesis in hepatocytes during development and aging. [Methods]: Wild type and p38α liver-specific knock out mice at different ages (after weaning, adults and old) were used. [Results]: We show that p38α MAPK deficiency induces actin disassembly upon aging and also cytokinesis failure leading to enhanced binucleation. Although the steady state levels of cyclin D1 in wild type and p38α knock out old livers remained unaffected, cyclin B1- a marker for G2/M…
Role of oxidative stress in hepatocyte mitosis
Long term p38-a deficiency up-regulates antioxidant enzymes through compensatory NF-?B activation
p38a MAPK may function as a mediator of reactive oxygen species signaling and thus p38a is considered a sensor of oxidative stress. In liver-specific p38a knock-out (KO) adult mice we previously found glutathione depletion and down-regulation of antioxidant enzymes. Our aim was to assess the influence of long-term p38a deficiency on oxidative stress and on the regulation of antioxidant enzymes in liver of old mice. To this end, wild type or liver-specific KO mice after weaning, at 4-6 months of age, or at 24 months of age were used. Reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione levels were determined by mass spectrometry, gene expression of antioxidant enzymes was determined by RT-PCR,…
γ-Glutamyl cysteine modulates the inflammatory response via protein phosphatases
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an acute inflammatory process of the pancreatic gland that may lead to severe systemic complications. Cytokines and oxidative stress play a role in the early pathophysiological events of the disease. Previous studies have shown the antioxidant properties of γ-glutamyl cysteine (γ–GC), a metabolic precursor for the synthesis of glutathione. C57BL/6 mice were treated with cerulein (7 injections each with 50 μg/kg bw). To evaluate the effects of γ-GC, a group of mice with AP was treated with γ-GC (75 mg/kg bw) administered in two doses at 4 and 7 hours after the first cerulein injection. Plasma lipase activity was measured and histological studies were performed to c…
Hepatogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue in comparison with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
AIM: To investigate and compare the hepatogenic transdifferentiation of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) in vitro. Transdifferentiation of BMSC into hepatic cells in vivo has been described. Adipose tissue represents an accessible source of ADSC, with similar characteristics to BMSC. METHODS: BMSCs were obtained from patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty and ADSC from human adipose tissue obtained from lipectomy. Cells were grown in medium containing 15% human serum. Cultures were serum deprived for 2 d before cultivating under similar pro-hepatogenic conditions to those of liver development using a 2-step protocol with sequ…
Time-course of thiol oxidation of protein phosphatases during cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an acute inflammatory process of the pancreatic gland. The aim of this work was to evaluate the role of thiol oxidation of key proteins that can be involved in the regulation of the inflammatory process during AP. AP was induced in C57BL/6 mice by 7 hourly subcutaneous injections of cerulein (50 ug/kg bw). Animals were sacrificed after 1, 3, 5 and 7 injections of cerulein. One hour after the first injection, hyperoxidation of peroxiredoxin 1–4 was detected coinciding with a H2O2 peak. Three hours later, a marked up-regulation of mRNA and protein expression of sulfiredoxin, partially mediated by Nrf-2, takes place. The up-regulation of sulfiredoxin seems to be resp…
Regulation of cytokinesis and its clinical significance.
Dysregulation of the cell cycle leads to polyploid cells, which are classified into mononuclear or binuclear polyploid cells depending on the number of nuclei. Polyploidy is common in plants and in animals. Physiologically, polyploidy and binucleation are differentiation markers and also features of the aging process. In fact, although they provide multiple copies of genes required for survival, a negative correlation between growth capacity and polyploidy has been reported, and thus, suppression or reversal of this phenomenon may be a growth advantage. On the other hand, unscheduled polyploidization may cause genomic instability that might lead to neoplastic aneuploidy. The aim of this rev…
Age-dependent regulation of antioxidant genes by p38α MAPK in the liver
p38α is a redox sensitive MAPK activated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and environmental, genotoxic and endoplasmic reticulum stresses. The aim of this work was to assess whether p38α controls the antioxidant defense in the liver, and if so, to elucidate the mechanism(s) involved and the age-related changes. For this purpose, we used liver-specific p38α-deficient mice at two different ages: young-mice (4 months-old) and old-mice (24 months-old). The liver of young p38α knock-out mice exhibited a decrease in GSH levels and an increase in GSSG/GSH ratio and malondialdehyde levels. However, old mice deficient in p38α had higher hepatic GSH levels and lower GSSG/GSH ratio than young p38α knock-…
Blockade of the trans-sulfuration pathway in acute pancreatitis due to nitration of cystathionine β-synthase
© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Thioredoxin-related protein of 14 kDa may directly reduce protein cysteinylation motifs
Disulfide stress has been associated with inflammation and characterized by an increase in cystine levels and protein cysteinylation. Furthermore, it was recently discovered that thioredoxin-related protein of 14 kDa (TRP14, encoded by TXNDC17) exhibits efficient cystine reductase activity. The aim of our research was to elucidate if TRP14 is also able to reduce cysteinylated proteins in mammalian cells. Thus, protein cysteinylation was assessed in control and TRP14 knockdown cells in vitro through their pre-treatment with 25 µg/ml cycloheximide for 30 min and incubation with 250 µM biotinylated cysteine for 1 h. Moreover, such TRP14 knockdown cell lysates were tested as cysteinylated subst…
p38α deficiency and oxidative stress cause cytokinesis failure in hepatocytes.
Cytokinesis is the last step in mitosis and it implies re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Its failure is one of the major mechanisms of polyploidy and binucleation in mammals. Our aims were 1) to assess the role of redox-sensitive p38α MAPK in cytokinesis by studying the liver of wild type mice or liver-specific p38α knock-out mice; 2) to assess the role of oxidative stress associated with hepatocyte isolation on cytokinesis. When p38α was down-regulated in hepatocytes, MK2 phosphorylation on threonine 334 was completely abrogated. Activation of MNK-1, required for abscission of the intercellular bridge, was diminished. Key proteins of the RhoA pathway (phospho-PRK2, nuclear phospho…
Targeted delivery of Cyclosporine A by polymeric nanocarriers improves the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease in a relevant mouse model
The therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases is still rather inefficient, and about 80% of patients require surgery at some stage. Improving the treatments by more efficient medication is, therefore, an urgent medical need. The objective of this project was to demonstrate targeted delivery of Cyclosporine-A (CYA) to the inflamed areas of the intestinal mucosa after oral administration, enabling improved alleviation of the symptoms and, at the same time, reduced systemic drug absorption and associated adverse effects. As had already been demonstrated in previous studies, nano- to micrometer-sized drug particles will accumulate at inflamed mucosal areas, providing a platform for such purposes. …
Redox signaling in the gastrointestinal tract.
Redox signaling regulates physiological self-renewal, proliferation, migration and differentiation in gastrointestinal epithelium by modulating Wnt/β-catenin and Notch signaling pathways mainly through NADPH oxidases (NOXs). In the intestine, intracellular and extracellular thiol redox status modulates the proliferative potential of epithelial cells. Furthermore, commensal bacteria contribute to intestine epithelial homeostasis through NOX1- and dual oxidase 2-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS). The loss of redox homeostasis is involved in the pathogenesis and development of a wide diversity of gastrointestinal disorders, such as Barrett's esophagus, esophageal adenocarcinoma, peptic ulc…
La formación profesional a distancia: nuevos alumnos, nuevos retos
La implantación de la modalidad semipresencial o a distancia en ciclos formativos es relativamente novedosa, existiendo un claro aumento de su demanda en los últimos años. En la Comunidad Valenciana existen 14 ciclos formativos de la familia de sanidad y el 85,7% se ofertan en la modalidad a distancia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar si existen diferencias en el perfil del estudiante y su rendimiento académico entre las modalidades a distancia y presencial. Para ello, se realizó un estudio observacional transversal comparativo basado en un análisis de frecuencias. El curso seleccionado fue primero de Emergencias sanitarias, con 82 alumnos matriculados. Como instrumentos de medida…
Patología vascular: ¿causa o efecto en la enfermedad de Alzheimer?
Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la principal enfermedad neurodegenerativa cortical. Su incidencia aumenta con la edad, lo que provoca importantes problemas médicos, sociales y económicos, especialmente en países con población envejecida. Objetivo: El objetivo de esta revisión es poner de manifiesto las evidencias que existen sobre el modo en que la disfunción vascular puede contribuir al deterioro cognitivo en la EA, así como las posibilidades terapéuticas que de ello podrían derivarse. Desarrollo: La hipótesis vascular ha surgido como alternativa a la hipótesis de la cascada amiloide como explicación de la fisiopatología de la EA. Esta hipótesis sitúa en los vasos…
Hesperetin induces melanin production in adult human epidermal melanocytes
One of the major sources of flavonoids for humans are citrus fruits, hesperidin being the predominant flavonoid. Hesperetin (HSP), the aglycon of hesperidin, has been reported to provide health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects. However, the effect of HSP on skin pigmentation is not clear. Some authors have found that HSP induces melanogenesis in murine B16-F10 melanoma cells, which, if extrapolated to in vivo conditions, might protect skin against photodamage. Since the effect of HSP on normal melanocytes could be different to that observed on melanoma cells, the described effect of HSP on murine melanoma cells has been compared to the effect obta…
Oxidative stress triggers cytokinesis failure in hepatocytes upon isolation
Primary hepatocytes are highly differentiated cells and proliferatively quiescent. However, the stress produced during liver digestion seems to activate cell cycle entry by proliferative/dedifferentiation programs that still remain unclear. The aim of this work was to assess whether the oxidative stress associated with hepatocyte isolation affects cell cycle and particularly cytokinesis, the final step of mitosis. Hepatocytes were isolated from C57BL/6 mice by collagenase perfusion in the absence and presence of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). Polyploidy, cell cycle, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were studied by flow cytometry (DNA, phospho-histone 3, and CellROX(®) Deep Red) and Western blott…