I. Vinci
Towards the ‘rurban’ scenario: plural forms of planning in Europe for a new alliance between city and countryside - Verso lo scenario ‘rurban’: forme plurali del progetto in Europa per una nuova alleanza tra città e campagna
Nell’ultimo decennio si è manifestata una crescente attenzione alle relazioni di interdipendenza tra di- mensione urbana e dimensione rurale dello sviluppo territoriale. È un interesse alimentato dalla diversa percezione con cui ormai viene colto il rapporto tra città e campagna, tra economie urbane ed economie rurali, considerate dal pensiero economico-politico classico come due mondi separati. Questo processo è particolarmente visibile nel con- testo europeo, dove per ragioni non solo insediative e funzionali, ma anche economiche, sociali e culturali l’avvento di modelli di sviluppo post-industriali ha portato a più complesse forme di ibridazione tra modelli di sviluppo urbani e rurali. L…
Agenda Sicilia - Sintesi
Il testo propone una scheda con una sintesi del quadro regionale siciliano per quanto attiene il governo del territorio ed in particolare: lo stato della legislazione vigente, la pianificazione comunale e di area vasta, la programmazione regionale.
Designing mobility in a city in transition : challenges from the case of Palermo
Transport policy is one of the most crucial sectors in the process of adaptation of contemporary cities to the challenge of sustainable development. For its close relation with social habits and people behaviors, in fact, innovation in transports play a strategic role both in the decreasing of the environmental impact of mobility and in the improvement of the quality of the built environment. To do so, however, cities need to reach a more effective integration between transport policy and land-use planning, as well as taking full advantage by the spreading of new technologies. In this context, this paper discusses the challenges provided by the reshaping of the transport system in the metro…
Institutional rescaling, urban policy and planning innovation in Italy: is city- region the answer?
A consequence of the crisis for several European countries is the return of cities and urban policy within the national agenda. It is not a uniform process, since the emergence of political priorities related to the urban areas may be influenced by several domestic factors, including the legal framework, institutional organisation, approaches to planning and other issues for policy-making. An interesting perspective to observe these processes is to analyzing the question of metropolitan areas and city-regions which, despite the difficulties, all over Europe are increasingly seen as a crucial government scale to cope with some old (decentralisation, economic competitiveness, social cohesion)…
Understanding urban policy through the lens of twenty years of cohesion policy: the case of Palermo
For many European cities the EU’s structural funds have led to a radical review of the way of approaching urban policy at different scales. For many others, particularly within the less developed regions, they also have resulted in a unique financial opportunity to carry out large infrastructural interventions as well as complex regeneration projects. After two decades of experiments, it is worth questioning to which extent the structural funds have impacted on the state of the European cities and whether Europanisation has promoted a real process of innovation in the making of urban policy. With this question on the background, this paper provides a critical analysis of the evolution of ur…