P. Mir
Experiencia en el salvamento de extremidades en una unidad de tumores óseos
Los autores exponen su experiencia en el tratamiento quirúrgico de 26 casos de tumores malignos primarios de los huesos largos de las extremidades en estadio II.B. El diagnóstico era de osteosarcoma en 12 casos, sarcoma de Ewing en 3, condrosarcoma de bajo grado en 4, sarcomas osteogénicos paraostales en 3, mieloma en 1, adamantinoma en 1, y tumor de células gigantes (TCG) en otro caso. Se trataba de tumores controlados mediante la aplicación de protocolos de Quimioterapia como son el T-10 de Rosen para con el osteosarcoma y el T-9 para el sarcoma de Ewing, consiguiendo necrosis tumorales del orden entre el 75% y el 85%, con buena respuesta de compartimentación y de esclerosis. Todos los tu…
False positive rate of an arrayCGH platform for single-cell preimplantation genetic screening and subsequent clinical application on day-3
In this work, false positive rate of an arrayCGH platform for its use in day-3 single-blastomere analysis was calculated. For this purpose, 38 embryos diagnosed as abnormal on day-3 by FISH were re-biopsied on day-4. Single-cell day-4 arrayCGH diagnosis was then performed. A successful amplification was obtained in 97.4 % (37/38) of the day-4 cells analysed by arrayCGH. Day-3 FISH and day-4 arrayCGH diagnosis were concordant in 35/37 cases. The two discordant embryos were spread and all the cells from each embryo were re-analysed by FISH on day 5. The same error rate (2.7 %) for day-3 FISH and day-4 arrayCGH was obtained when comparing day-5 FISH re-analysis. After this pre-clinical phase, …
New Tools for Embryo Selection: Comprehensive Chromosome Screening by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization
The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). The study included 1420 CCS cycles for recurrent miscarriage (n=203); repetitive implantation failure (n=188); severe male factor (n=116); previous trisomic pregnancy (n=33); and advanced maternal age (n=880). CCS was performed in cycles with fresh oocytes and embryos (n=774); mixed cycles with fresh and vitrified oocytes (n=320); mixed cycles with fresh and vitrified day-2 embryos (n=235); and mixed cycles with fresh and vitrified day-3 embryos (n=91). Day-3 embryo biopsy was performed and analyzed by aCGH followed by day-5 embryo tran…
Genetic Analysis of Human Preimplantation Embryos
Preimplantation development comprises the initial stages of mammalian development, before the embryo implants into the mother's uterus. In normal conditions, after fertilization the embryo grows until reaching blastocyst stage. The blastocyst grows as the cells divide and the cavity expands, until it arrives at the uterus, where it "hatches" from the zona pellucida to implant into the uterine wall. Nevertheless, embryo quality and viability can be affected by chromosomal abnormalities, most of which occur during gametogenesis and early embryo development; human embryos produced in vitro are especially vulnerable. Therefore, the selection of chromosomally normal embryos for transfer in assis…