Peteris Potapovs
Spectral imaging system for money counterfeit detection
A prototype with three different wavelength lasers (448nm, 532nm and 659nm) for money counterfeit illumination, analyzation and detection using RGB crosstalk correction and comparing spectral image ration for different banknote elements will be presented.
Snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging for applications in dermatology and forensics
Performance of multi-spectral imaging critically depends on image acquisition time and working spectral bandwidths. Ultimate performance can be achieved if a set of monochromatic (single-wavelength) spectral images is obtained by a single snapshot - a technique provisionally called “snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging” or SMSLI. The SMSLI principle and the developed prototype devices for 3, 4 and 5 spectral line snapshot imaging are described. Two potential practical applications of SMSLI are discussed – for fast mapping of the main in-vivo skin chromophores and for detection of counterfeit banknotes and documents.