I. Grants
Stability of melt flow due to a traveling magnetic field in a closed ampoule
The linear three-dimensional instability of the flow due to a low frequency traveling magnetic field in a regular cylinder is studied numerically for height-to-diameter ratios in the range [0.5:2.5]. The first instability has the form of an azimuthal wave with wave numbers between 1 and 6 depending on the aspect ratio. It is shown that the flow is stable if the Reynolds number is below 290. Even stronger stationary flows may be obtained in a flattened cylinder.
Stability of electrically conducting liquid flow driven by a rotating magnetic dipole in a ring channel
The stability of electrically conducting liquid flow in a cylindrical ring channel is studied numerically. The flow is driven by a rotating magnetic dipole placed at the ring’s center. Depending on ring’s width, two distinct flow regimes are observed. In a narrow ring, the flow itself and its instability resemble the related rotating magnetic field driven flow in a cylinder. This changes in a wide ring when an intense radial jet develops on the midplane. Within this jet, the driving magnetic force is overwhelmed by inertial and viscous forces similar to how it occurs in the boundary layer flow. The instability develops as an azimuthally periodic wave-like deformation of this jet. Non-unifor…
Contactless generation of cavitation in high temperature liquid metals and its impact on particle dispersion in solidified iron and steel samples
Abstract A recently developed method for the contactless magnetic generation of cavitation is demonstrated for high-melting-point metals. The approach is based on the floating-zone technique, which is truly contactless and crucible-free as it uses electromagnetic forces. Using this method, ultra-high-temperature ceramic particles, such as TiN, TiB2 and TiC, are admixed in liquid iron and 316L steel. The dispersion and particle refinement caused by cavitation treatment during melting and solidification are investigated. Magnetic fields up to 8 T that correspond to pressure oscillation amplitude of 0.83 MPa are used. The signal emitted by the collapsing bubbles is captured and visualized for …
Physical modelling of Czochralski crystal growth in horizontal magnetic field
Abstract This study addresses experimentally the heat transfer, the temperature azimuthal non-uniformity and the onset of oscillations in a low temperature physical model of a medium-sized Czochralski crystal growth process with a strong horizontal magnetic field (HMF). It is observed that under certain conditions the integral heat flux may decrease with increasing magnetic field strength at the same time as the flow velocity increases. The azimuthal non-uniformity of the temperature field in the melt near the crystal model rim is only little influenced by its rotation rate outside of a narrow range where the centrifugal force balances the buoyant one. The flow oscillation onset has been ob…
Stability of melt flow during magnetic sonication in a floating zone configuration
Combined static and alternating magnetic fields are shown to create an oscillating pressure that can cause cavitation in molten metals. A time-averaged flow is also excited, consisting of two tori squeezed to thin boundary layers. Flow instability develops as a standing wave between these tori.
Casting technology for ODS steels – dispersion of nanoparticles in liquid metals
Dispersion of particles to produce metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNC) can be achieved by means of ultrasonic vibration of the melt using ultrasound transducers. However, a direct transfer of this method to produce steel composites is not feasible because of the much higher working temperature. Therefore, an inductive technology for contactless treatment by acoustic cavitation was developed. This report describes the samples produced to assess the feasibility of the proposed method for nano-particle separation in steel. Stainless steel samples with inclusions of TiB2, TiO2, Y2O3, CeO2, Al2O3 and TiN have been created and analyzed. Additional experiments have been performed using light metals…
Effect of a Steady Magnetic Field and Imposed Rotation of Vessel on Heat and Mass Transfer in Swirling Recirculating Flows
A simplified theoretical model for the solidification interface shape prediction is introduced and tested. We linearised a coupled hydrodynamic-solidification problem about the state with a flat interface. In such a way we split the problem into a hydrodynamic part with a flat solid-liquid front and a solidification part with a calculated heat flux from the liquid phase. The method allows obvious conclusions on optimum heat conditions near the solidification interface providing its flatness and maximum pulling velocity at the same time. Comparison to the results by FLUENT package showed that the method provides a reasonable accuracy even for a noticeably deformed interface shape. Another pa…
Instability of the melt flow in VGF growth with a traveling magnetic field
The linear instability of a thermally stratified melt flow in the VGF configuration driven by a traveling magnetic field (TMF) is considered numerically and experimentally. The dependency of the instability threshold on the governing parameters is found for several cuts through the parameter space covering a wide range of possible applications. In a first approximation the linear instability occurs when the dimensionless TMF forcing parameter reaches the magnitude of the Grashof number. This is particularly true in a medium-sized crucible where the first instability is axisymmetric and sub-critical. As the Grashof number increases the flow develops self-similar boundary layers and the insta…
Rotating magnetic dipole-driven flows in a conducting liquid cylinder
Four configurations of a rotating magnetic dipole-driven turbulent flow in an electrically conducting liquid cylinder are considered by spectral direct numerical simulation. These configurations differ by parallel or perpendicular orientation of the dipole rotation vector with respect to the nearest surface of the cylinder or its axis. The rotating dipole generates electromagnetic force in a thin outer liquid layer facing it. A concentrated vortex is driven when the dipole rotation vector is perpendicular to the nearest surface. This vortex closely resembles the rotating disk-driven flow. When the dipole rotation vector is parallel to the nearest surface, then a distributed vortex occurs ak…
Contactless magnetic excitation of acoustic cavitation in liquid metals
A steady axial magnetic field is applied to a liquid metal zone heated by induction currents. The resulting alternating Lorentz force causes pressure oscillations that being strong enough lead to cavitation in the molten metal. Amplitude of the pressure oscillations is proportional to the product of the induced currents and the steady axial magnetic field induction. We follow an approach where the acoustic pressure is maximized by the induction currents. The onset of cavitation is identified by the occurrence of sub-harmonics of the drive frequency in sound recorded at the surface of the experimental cell. It is demonstrated that cavitation in a liquid metal may be excited by a superimposed…
Analytical induced force solution in conducting cylindrical bodies and rings due to a rotating finite permanent magnet
Abstract Using exact expression of the magnetic field we derive analytical expression for the induced current density and volume force in a solid conducting cylinder and ring due to a coaxial rotating finite permanent magnet with transverse magnetization. The integral torque is calculated from these expressions and validated with numerical and experimental results. Conditions for useful magnetic field approximations are found.
Analytical solution for the diffusion of a capacitor discharge generated magnetic field pulse in a conductor
Powerful forces arise when a pulse of a magnetic field in the order of a few tesla diffuses into a conductor. Such pulses are used in electromagnetic forming, impact welding of dissimilar materials and grain refinement of solidifying alloys. Strong magnetic field pulses are generated by the discharge current of a capacitor bank. We consider analytically the penetration of such pulse into a conducting half-space. Besides the exact solution we obtain two simple self-similar approximate solutions for two sequential stages of the initial transient. Furthermore, a general solution is provided for the external field given as a power series of time. Each term of this solution represents a self-sim…
Linear and non-linear stability of a thermally stratified magnetically driven rotating flow in a cylinder
The stability of a thermally stratified liquid metal flow is considered numerically. The flow is driven by the rotating magnetic field in a cylinder heated from above and cooled from below. The stable thermal stratification turns out to destabilise the flow. This is explained by the fact that a stable stratification suppresses the secondary meridional flow, thus indirectly enhancing the primary rotation. The instability in the form of Taylor-Görtler rolls is consequently promoted. It is known from earlier studies that these rolls can be only excited by finite disturbances in the isothermal flow. A sufficiently strong thermal stratification transforms this non-linear bypass instability into …
Rayleigh–Bénard instability of Czochralski configuration in a transverse magnetic field
Abstract The linear instability of a rotating conducting liquid cylinder heated from below in a horizontal magnetic field is considered numerically. A condition for the magnetic suppression of the bulk rotation is obtained. If the bulk is rotation dominated then the linear instability is slightly delayed by the field and sets in as a rotating wave. If the bulk is dominated by the magnetic field then the instability has the form of field aligned convection rolls. Outside thin boundary layers the instability then becomes increasingly similar to the onset in a plain channel. The results are discussed in light of previous silicon growth experiments and existing knowledge from related problems.
Nanoparticle dispersion in liquid metals by electromagnetically induced acoustic cavitation
Abstract Aim of this study is to investigate experimentally the effect of magnetically induced cavitation applied for the purpose of nanoparticle dispersion in liquid metals. The oscillating magnetic force due to the azimuthal induction currents and the axial magnetic field excites power ultrasound in the sample. If the fields are sufficiently high then it is possible to achieve the acoustic cavitation threshold in liquid metals. Cavitation bubble collapses are known to create microscale jets with a potential to break nanoparticle agglomerates and disperse them. The samples are solidified under the contactless ultrasonic treatment and later analyzed by electron microscopy and energy-dispers…
Permanent magnet bottom-stirred swirling flow in coaxial shallow cylindrical containers
Here, an original rotating permanent magnet (RPM) system placed coaxially with the liquid metal container is studied as an effective means of generating flow in shallow cylinders for potential application in aluminum metallurgy (e.g., for ladle stirring and metal dosing). The studied RPM system generates volume force with strong axial variation and force maximum near the radial midpoint. The numerical and experimental data show that, in the shallow cylinder case, the azimuthal velocity follows the force radial distribution. The resulting velocity maximum occurs near the radial midpoint, unlike in the traditional rotating magnetic field (RMF) stirrer systems, where the velocity maximum occur…
Magnetically Induced Cavitation for the Dispersion of Particles in Liquid Metals
A contactless excitation of cavitation is possible by superposition of induction heating with a static axial magnetic field. This creates an alternating electromagnetic body force in a liquid metal which in turn produces pressure oscillations. Using this method, the onset of cavitation has been clearly observed in various liquid metals (tin, zinc, aluminum, steel SAE 304) at pressure oscillations in the range of 28…50 kPa. The present study aims to extend the previous work by producing steel metal matrix composites (MMC) and assessing the feasibility of the proposed method for particle dispersion in steel. Stainless steel (SAE 316L) samples with different ceramic inclusions, e.g. TiN, Al2O3…