A. Bellver-domingo
Environmental Benefit of Improving Wastewater Quality: A Shadow Prices Approach for Sensitive Areas
The use of effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as a non-conventional source of water for wetlands in arid and semi-arid regions is becoming the most-often sought solution for maintaining water flow in sensitive wetlands there. However, the managing effluent quality should be a requirement because excess nutrients (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) can generate eutrophication problems in wetlands. In the Mediterranean area in general, wetlands are strongly vulnerable to eutrophication, which is why they are classified as sensitive areas. Our study uses a data set from 24 WWTPs, effluents of which are discharged to wetlands in the coast of Community of Valencia. We use the shado…
A review of Payment for Ecosystem Services for the economic internalization of environmental externalities: A water perspective
Abstract The allocation of economic value to environmental goods is intended to internalize the socio-economic and environmental costs of policies implemented and thus recognizes the value of the ecosystem and the consequences of environmental damage. This entails identifying the costs and benefits of management measures for conservation and of degraded ecosystems. The difficulties of this task are: (i) they are goods that have no market and (ii) there is a need for economic funding for conservation purposes. Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) seeks to internalize the environmental externalities of human actions, ascribing monetary value to Ecosystem Services (ES) and helping decision-mak…