The differences between distributed shared memory caching and proxy caching
The authors discuss the similarities in caching between the extensively studied distributed shared memory systems and the emerging proxy systems. They believe that several of the techniques used in distributed shared memory systems can be adapted and applied to proxy systems.
Delfos: the Oracle to Predict NextWeb User's Accesses
Despite the wide and intensive research efforts focused on Web prediction and prefetching techniques aimed to reduce user's perceived latency, few attempts to implement and use them in real environments have been done, mainly due to their complexity and supposed limitations that low user available bandwidths imposed few years ago. Nevertheless, current user bandwidths open a new scenario for prefetching that becomes again an interesting option to improve web performance. This paper presents Delfos, a framework to perform web predictions and prefetching on a real environment that tries to cover the existing gap between research and praxis. Delfos is integrated in the web architecture without…
Splitting the data cache: a survey
Recent cache-memory research has focused on approaches that split the first-level data cache into two independent subcaches. The authors introduce a methodology for helping cache designers devise splitting schemes and survey a representative set of the published cache schemes.
Improving Web Prefetching by Making Predictions at Prefetch
Most of the research attempts to improve Web prefetching techniques have focused on the prediction algorithm with the objective of increasing its precision or, in the best case, to reduce the user's perceived latency. In contrast, to improve prefetching performance, this work concentrates in the prefetching engine and proposes the Prediction at Prefetch (P@P) technique. This paper explains how a prefetching technique can be extended to include our P@P proposal on real world conditions without changes in the web architecture or HTTP protocol. To show how this proposal can improve prefetching performance an extensive performance evaluation study has been done and the results show that P@P can…
Spim-Cache: A Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Cache Memories Through Code-Based Exercises
Cache memories represent a core topic in all computer organization and architecture courses offered at universities around the world. As a consequence, educational proposals and textbooks address important efforts to this topic. A valuable pedagogical help when studying cache memories is to perform exercises based on simple algorithms, which allow the identification of cache accesses, for instance, a program accessing the elements of an array. These exercises, referred to as code-based exercises, have a good acceptance among instructors of computer organization courses. Nevertheless, no tool (e.g., simulator) has been developed to be used in undergraduate courses working with this kind of e…