P. Del Amo Sanchez

Improved measurement ofCPobservables inB±→DCP0K±decays

We present a study of the decay B{sup -} {yields} D{sub (CP)}{sup 0}K{sup -} and its charge conjugate, where D{sub (CP)}{sup 0} is reconstructed in both a non-CP flavor eigenstate and in CP (CP-even and CP-odd) eigenstates, based on a sample of 382 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e{sup +}e{sup -} storage ring. We measure the direct CP asymmetries A{sub CP{+-}} and the ratios of the branching fractions R{sub CP{+-}}: A{sub CP+} = 0.27 {+-} 0.09(stat) {+-} 0.04(syst), A{sub CP-} = -0.09 {+-} 0.09(stat) {+-} 0.02(syst), R{sub CP+} = 1.06 {+-} 0.10(stat) {+-} 0.05(syst), R{sub CP-} = 1.03 {+-} 0.10(stat) {+-} 0.05(syst). These resul…

research product

Measurement ofD0−D¯0mixing using the ratio of lifetimes for the decaysD0→K−π+andK+K−

We present a measurement of ${D}^{0}\mathrm{\text{\ensuremath{-}}}{\overline{D}}^{0}$ mixing and $CP$ violation using the ratio of lifetimes simultaneously extracted from a sample of ${D}^{0}$ mesons produced through the flavor-tagged process ${D}^{*+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{D}^{0}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, where ${D}^{0}$ decays to ${K}^{\ensuremath{\mp}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$, ${K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{+}$, or ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, along with the untagged decays ${D}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{\ensuremath{\mp}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$ and ${D}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}…

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