P. Mario Nuccio
The fall occurred near Piancaldoli, Florence, Italy, at 19.14 U.T. on the 10th August 1968. The fireball broke up in the atmosphere producing a cloud like a balloon. The trajectory and the terminal point were calculated, leading to the recovery of three small meteoritic fragments, found on the roof of a house. Chemical analysis gave the following results: SiO2 40.80; TiO2 0.15; Al2O3 2. 70; Cr2O3 0.47; FeO 17.20; MnO 0.07; MgO 25.18; CaO 1.95; Na2O 0.64; K2O 0.07; P2O5 0.20; NiS 0.93; FeS 6.24; Fe° 2.40; Ni° 0.40; Co 0.05; sum 99.45. In the lithic portion of the meteorite the following minerals were found: both clino and orthopyroxenes (En = 76 to 98%), olivines (Fo = 66 to 98%), troilite, …
Gas hazard assessment at the Monticchio crater lakes of Mt. Vulture, a volcano in Southern Italy
Geochemical investigations have shown that there is a considerable inflow of gas into both crater lakes of Monticchio, Southern Italy. These lakes are located in two maars that formed 140 000 years ago during Mt. Vulture volcanos last eruptive activity. Isotopic analyses suggest that CO2 and helium are of magmatic origin; the latter displays 3 He ⁄ 4 He isotope ratios similar to those measured in olivines of the maar ejecta. In spite of the fact that the amount of dissolved gases in the water is less than that found in Lake Nyos (Cameroon), both the results obtained and the historical reports studied indicate that these crater lakes could be highly hazardous sites, even though they are loca…
Evidence of deep magma degassing and ascent by geochemistry of peripheral gas emissions at Mount Etna (Italy): Assessment of the magmatic reservoir pressure
[1] Five gas discharges in the area of Mount Etna volcano (Italy) and in the near Hyblean plateau have been monitored since 1996. All the emissions displayed low contributions from crustal fluids, whereas magmatic gases were the main component. Selective dissolution of these gases into hydrothermal aquifers has been recognized and modeled, allowing us to calculate the original composition of the magma-released gases. The inferred composition of the magmatic gases exhibits synchronous variations of He/Ne and He/CO2 ratios, which are coherent with the magma degassing process. On the basis of numerical simulations of volatile degassing from Etnean basalts we have computed the initial and final…