W. Heil
Spin Physics at MAMI
Helium-3-MRT der Lungenventilation: Erste klinische Anwendungen
PURPOSE: of the study is the visualisation of normal pulmonary ventilation in healthy volunteers and the evaluation of abnormalities in patients with different lung diseases using 3He magnetic resonance imaging (3He-MRI). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Hyperpolarized 3He gas (V = 300 ml, p = 3 x 10(5) Pa, polarised to 35-45% by optical pumping, provided in special glass cells) was inhaled by eight healthy volunteers and ten patients with different lung diseases. A 3D FLASH sequence (TR = 11.8 ms; TE = 5 ms; matrix 144 x 256, FOV 350 mm, section thickness 7-10 mm, coronal orientation) was performed in a single breath-hold (22-42 s). Clinical and radiological examinations were available for correlatio…
"Table 1" of "First measurement of the polarization transfer on the proton in the reactions H (e (polarized), e-prime p (polarized)) and D (e (polarized), e-prime p (polarized))"
No description provided.