I. M. Hibbert
Global lifetime measurements of highly-deformed and other rotational structures in the a ∼135 light rare-earth region: probing the single-particle motion in a rotating potential
It has been possible, using GAMMASPHERE plus Microball,to extract differential lifetime measurements free from common systematic errors for over 15 different nuclei (various isotopes of Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, and Sm) at high spin within a single experiment. This comprehensive study establishes the effective single-particle quadrupole moments in the A~135 light rare-earth region. Detailed comparisons are made with calculations using the self-consistent cranked mean-field theory.
Evidence for Magnetic Rotation in the Light Tin Region
Lifetimes have been measured for three M1 bands in light Sn/Cd nuclei using the DSAM technique. B(M1) values deduced from these measurements show a rapid decrease with increasing spin for a given configuration. The results have been compared with both Tilted axis cranking and semi-empirical model calculations. These suggest that the shears mechanism is present in this mass region, and that the band in 106Sn appears to be the first example of almost pure magnetic rotation.
First observation of excited states in 184Pb: spectroscopy beyond the neutron mid-shell
Excited states have been identified for the first time in 184Pb, the first even-even Pb isotope beyond the 82 < N < 126 mid-shell, using the recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique. A collective band built on the first-excited 2+ state has been observed. This resembles those seen in 186,188Pb and the Hg isotones, and can thus be associated with a prolate-deformed shape. Variable moment of inertia (VMI) fits of the prolate 0+ level energies in 184,186,188Pb indicate that the minimum appears at N= 103, the same neutron number at which the corresponding minimum in Hg isotopes is observed.
Identification of excited states in119Ba
Excited states have been identified in the very neutron-deficient ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba}$ nucleus. Two bands have been observed, which are likely to be based on ${h}_{11/2}$ and ${(g}_{7/2}{d}_{5/2})$ neutron orbitals. Despite this being the first observation of excited states in ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba},$ the bands extend to $(75/2)\ensuremath{\Elzxh}$ and $(79/2)\ensuremath{\Elzxh},$ respectively. The bands have been assigned to ${}^{119}\mathrm{Ba}$ using gamma-recoil and gamma--x-ray coincidences. Several quasiparticle alignments have been identified, involving neutron ${(h}_{11/2}{)}^{2}$ and proton ${(h}_{11/2}{)}^{2}$ aligned configurations. Furthermore, the bands show features which are r…