Inga Brice
Čukstošās galerijas modu rezonatori (ČGMR) ir piesaistījuši interesi savu optisko īpašību un daudzveidīgo pielietojumu dēļ. ČGMR virsma tika pārklāt ar vairākiem funkcionalizējošiem slāņiem. Tika izstrādāts un pielāgots glikozes sensora modelis. Lai nodrošinātu selektivitāti, tika izmantota glikozes oksidāze (GOx), un, lai uzlabotu sesnsora jutību, - zelta (Au) nanodaļiņas (NP). Tika pārbaudītas vairākas ZnO nanostruktūras, lai palielinātu virsmas laukumu un proteīnu pieķeršanos, kas bija selektīvas govju leikēmijas vīrusa antigēna/antivielu reakcijām. Frekvences ķemmes, kas ģenerētas ČGMR (WCombs), var izmantot datu pārraidei. WComb ierosināšanai tika izmantoti pumpēšanas lāzeri C-joslas t…
Development of optical WGM resonators for biosensors
Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonators are very sensitive to nanoparticles attaching to the surface. We simulate this process using COMSOL Wave Optics module. Our spherical WGM resonators are produced by melting a tip of an optical fiber and we measure optical Q factors in the 105 range. Molecular oxygen lines of the air in the 760 nm region are used as reference markers when looking for the shifts of the WGM resonance lines. We demonstrate WGM microresonator surface coating with a layer of ZnO nanorods as well as with polystyrene microspheres. Coatings produce increased contact surface. Additional layer of antigens/antibodies will be coated to make high-specificity biosensors.
High-Sensitivity Whispering Gallery Mode Humidity Sensor Based on Glycerol Microdroplet Volumetric Expansion
We demonstrate a highly sensitive whispering gallery mode (WGM) relative humidity (RH) sensor based on a glycerol microdroplet. WGMs were excited using a 760 nm tunable semiconductor laser. We used free space coupling, which is effective when using a liquid resonator. A detailed analysis of different parameters influencing the sensor’s characteristics (sensitivity, hysteresis, resolution, stability, and temperature) is presented. The sensitivity of the sensor is one of the highest reported (2.85 nm/% RH in the range 50–70% RH with the resolution 1 × 10−4% RH). This type of humidity sensor has several advantages, such as high sensitivity, extended lifetime, good repeatability, and low cost, …
Whispering gallery mode resonators covered by a ZnO nanolayer
Abstract The exceptional ability of whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) to confine light within makes them interesting for sensing applications. The small size and high values of quality (Q) factors of the WGMR can be combined with a broad range of supporting optical elements. The surface of the resonator can be coated to enhance the desired attributes. In this paper, the impact of the ZnO layer thickness on the Q-factor of the WGMR has been studied. WGMRs were fabricated on a tip of a standard telecom fiber melted with an oxyhydrogen flame. The surface of the WGMR was coated with ZnO nanolayers of different thickness (5–100 nm) by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The Q-factor of as-pr…
Whispering gallery mode resonators coated with Au nanoparticles
Whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) are very interesting for sensing because a resonance shift could be caused by any perturbation of the surrounding environment. Additionally such a resonator is coated with nanomaterials to tailor and enhance the sensitivity for a specific purpose. WGMR were fabricated using standard telecommunication fiber and a hydrogen flame, characterized using the scan method to obtain the quality factors and then coated with gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) using dip coating method and characterized again for comparison. Au NPs were chosen because their positive impact on microresonator sensitivity has been mentioned before and the surface can later be functionaliz…
Scattering loss analysis in PMMA WGM micro resonator from surface irregularities
The following work shows new ways to analyze PMMA WGM micro resonators, that have irregularities, which acts as scattering centers. The scattering analyses could be used for integration into sensor systems and corrections of existing experiments.
Demonstration of a fiber optical communication system employing a silica microsphere-based OFC source.
The fabrication of microsphere resonators and the generation of optical frequency combs (OFC) have achieved a significant breakthrough in the past decade. Despite these advances, no studies have reported the experimental implementation and demonstration of silica microsphere OFCs for data transmission. In this work, to the best of our knowledge, we experimentally for the first time present a designed silica microsphere whispering-gallery-mode microresonator (WGMR) OFC as a C-band light source where 400 GHz spaced carriers provide data transmission of up to 10 Gbps NRZ-OOK modulated signals over the standard ITU-T G.652 telecom fiber span of 20 km in length. A proof-of-concept experiment is …
Ar Ce un Eu joniem aktivētu oksifluorīdu stikla un stikla keramiku luminiscence
Baltās gaismas diodes jeb LED lampas ir perspektīvi gaismas avoti. LED ir energoefektīvākas nekā kvēlspuldzes un videi draudzīgākas nekā fluorescentās lampas, taču to gaismas kvalitāte nav pietiekami augsta, salīdzinot augstajām izmaksām. Joprojām aktīvi norisinās jaunu redzamās gaismas luminoforu pētījumi zilām vai UV LED. Darbā sniegta īsa informācija par luminoforiem un gaismas kvalitāti, par oksifluorīdu stiklu un stikla keramiku, Ce3+ un Eu2+ aktivatora joniem. Darba praktiskajā daļā izgatavoti ar Ce un Eu aktivēti oksifluorīdu stiklu un stikla keramikas paraugi, iegūtas to luminiscences intensitātes un spektri. Iegūti arī atsevišķu paraugu ierosmes spektri un XRD spektri. Darbā secinā…
Whispering gallery mode resonator sensors referenced to saturated absorption lines in rubidium atoms and a fs frequency comb
Optical Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators (WGMR) can be produced by many methods, for example, by flame melting of silica fibers [1], by polishing of crystals [2], by optical lithography, by solidifying transparent materials, or using commercially available microspheres. They confine light by the total internal reflection and do not need mirror coatings. A part of radiation is traveling outside the WGMR as an evanescent wave and it is used for sensing applications. WGMRs are becoming increasingly popular as biosensors [3] when their surface is covered with antibodies to provide selectivity. Advantage is that light circulates in the resonator and interacts many times with a few molecules at…
Broadband Fabry–Pérot Resonator From Zerodur for Laser Stabilisation Below 1KHZ Linewidth With < 100 HZ/S Drift and Reduced Sensitivity to Vibrations
Abstract Here we demonstrate the results of creating a two-mirror Fabry-Pérot resonator (FPR) that allows achieving the spectral width of a stabilised laser line below 1 kHz. It had low expansion Zerodur spacer and broadband high reflectance mirrors (99.85% in the range of 630 to 1140 nm). FPR was vertically mid-plane mounted for reduced sensitivity to vibrations and included in two shields inside a vacuum chamber to lower temperature fluctuations. Peltier element was used for temperature stabilisation at zero-expansion temperature. Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique was applied. The signal from FPR was compared to ultra-stable signal (of about 1 Hz linewidth) to form a beat note signal. For…
Quality Factor Measurements for PMMA WGM Microsphere Resonators Using Fixed Wavelength Laser and Temperature Changes
The whispering gallery modes (WGM) resonators are based on spherical objects, which are made from optically transparent materials, and are capable of maintaining circulating optical waves, inside the sphere, using total internal reflection. If there is a monochromatic light source which supplies the sphere with a constant intensity, the wave moving along the perimeter of sphere starts to constructively interfere. In this case the resonance happens, which is called whispering gallery mode (WGM). The current work explores the possibility of using temperature changes to measure polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) WGM microsphere resonator quality factor (Q) and thermal expansion parameters. Differe…
Kerr Optical Frequency Combs With Multi-FSR Mode Spacing in Silica Microspheres
We experimentally demonstrate Kerr optical frequency combs (OFCs) with mode spacing of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 free spectral ranges (FSRs) corresponding to 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 2, 2.4, and 3.2 THz, respectively, in silica microspheres pumped by CW C-band lasers in the anomalous dispersion range. Experimental realizations are based on using standard telecom equipment and components such as SMF-28e fiber for producing microspheres and fiber tapers for pump coupling and OFC outcoupling. Numerical simulation is performed to support the experimental results and explain the observed spectral asymmetry in OFCs by the influence of the 3rd-order dispersion.
Aktivēti oksifluorīdi redzamās gaismas luminoforos
Baltās gaismas diodes jeb LED lampas ir energoefektīvi gaismas avoti. Tādēļ joprojām aktīvi norisinās jaunu redzamās gaismas luminoforu, kas paredzēti baltas gaismas iegūšanai kopā ar zilu vai UV LED, pētījumi, lai uzlabotu gan emisijas efektivitāti, gan gaismas kvalitāti. Darbā sniegta informācija par dažādiem gaismas avotiem, salīdzinātas to priekšrocības un minēti trūkumi. Darbā izzināts, ka, lai iegūtu platas un intensīvas luminiscences joslas, luminoforiem no dažādiem oksīdiem, nitrīdiem utt. kā aktivatorus bieži izmanto Ce3+ un Eu2+ jonus. Darba praktiskajā daļā izveidota testa iekārtu luminoforu luminiscences intensitātes pētījumiem, izgatavoti ar Ce un Eu aktivēti oksifluorīdu stikl…
Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Temperature Compensation and Refractive Index Sensing in Glucose Droplets.
Among the different types of photonic sensor devices, optical whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) have attracted interest due to their high level of sensitivity, small size, and ability to perform real-time temperature measurements. Here we demonstrate the applicability of temperature measurements using WGMR in both air and liquid environments. We also show that WGMR allowed measurements of the refractive index variations in an evaporating glucose–water solution droplet. The thermal tuning of WGMR can be reduced by coating WGMRs with a thin layer of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Dip-coating the silica microsphere multiple times significantly reduced the resonance shift, partially c…
Frequency comb generation in whispering gallery mode silica microsphere resonators
Optical frequency combs (OFC) using different kinds of whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microresonators have already shown different applications and especially their applications in fiber optical communication systems as replacements of laser-arrays. For this application the free spectral range (FSR) of 200 GHz or less is desirable. Besides the fabrication material for microspheres, the resonator radius can be modified to change the FSR. In this paper use of silica microspheres for OFC represents an inexpensive alternative over the other microcombs: microring, microdisk, and microtoroid. We experimentally present a microsphere fabrication process from a different kind of silica (SiO2) fibers …
Computer modelling of WGM microresonators with a zinc oxide nanolayer using COMSOL multiphysics software
Whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) are small axial symmetrical structures from transparent material, that can exceptionally well confine light within, thus making them ideal for studying light-matter interactions and using them as sensors. Various WGMR designs can be simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics. Sometimes an extra layer is coated on the surface of the resonator for achieving desirable effects. The extra layer changes quality factor of the resonator and ads extra modes for some frequencies. Different methods and studies are used for the exploration of this topic such as changing the thickness of the coating and using random functions to describe the roughness of the surface, …
Whispering gallery mode resonator and glucose oxidase based glucose biosensor
Abstract In this research whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) were applied in new concept of glucose sensor based on the shift of WGM resonance frequency induced by enzymatic oxidation of glucose by glucose oxidase (GOx), which was immobilized on WGM-resonator surface. During the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by GOx electrons from glucose via GOx are transferred towards co-immobilized gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs). WGM-resonators were fabricated from standard telecommunication optical-fiber melted in a hydrogen flame. Whispering gallery mode resonance based optical signals generated by these WGM-resonators were evaluated. These WGM-resonators, which were characterized by sufficient qual…
Mode family analysis for PMMA WGM micro resonators using spot intensity changes
The whispering gallery modes (WGM) micro resonators are based on elliptical objects, which can be made from optically transparent materials, The geometry of the object enables optical wave circulating inside the ellipse using total internal reflection. If there is a monochromatic light source with constant intensity to the ellipse, constructive interference may be observed. Poly methyl methacrylate acrylic (PMMA) WGM micro resonators are commercially available with typical optical quality factor of 103-104. These could limit problems with WGM micro resonator expensive manufacturing. Thanks to advances in high resolution image processing, read-outs using spectroscopy (single photo detector) …