G Serra

Randomised study comparing 48 and 96 weeks peginterferon α-2a therapy in genotype D HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B

Treatment with peginterferon α-2a (PegIFN) for 48 weeks is the standard of care for selected HBeAg-negative patients chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV), but with limited treatment efficacy. A study was undertaken to investigate whether treatment extension to 96 weeks improves the outcome in this patient population.128 HBeAg-negative patients (120 genotype D) were randomised to weekly 180 μg PegIFN for 48 weeks (group A, n=51), 180 μg PegIFN for 48 weeks followed by 135 μg weekly for an additional 48 weeks (group B, n=52) or 180 μg PegIFN plus lamivudine (100 mg/day) for 48 weeks then 135 μg PegIFN for 48 weeks (group C, n=25). Endpoints were alanine aminotransferase normalisa…

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Vegetation, soils, and humus forms of Sardinian holm oak forests and approximated cross-harmonization of vegetation types, WRB Soil Groups and humus forms in selected Mediterranean ecosystems

Five plant communities, related to elevation above sea level and geological substrata, are recognized in the holm oak forests of Sardinia (Italy). These forests show a considerable inhomogeneous structure due to present day and past uses. Coppice management prevails, influencing the quantity and quality of organic horizons. Most frequent mineral soils are Cambisols, Leptosols, and Regosols. Regarding the humus forms, Moder and, with less extent, Amphi, are prevailing. Furthermore, the paper presents a synoptic table giving a rough picture of the relationships between vegetation types, WRB Soil Groups and humus forms in selected Mediterranean ecosystems.

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La sr da microdelezione 17q21.31(prevalenza 1:16.000)è un disordine genomico di recente identificazione.I segni clinici comprendono: ritardo mentale e di sviluppo, ipotonia, dismorfismi faciali, voce nasale, dita affusolate, cardiopatia, anomalie cerebrali, convulsioni, anomalie renali ed urogenitali, iperlassità articolare, ipoacusia trasmissiva, anomalie dentarie, deformità del piede e della colonna, strabismo e ipermetropia.La diagnosi è confermata dal riscontro,all’analisi molecolare,della delezione della regione critica, che si estende per 424 kb in 17q21.31 ed include almeno sei geni, tra cui MAPT, altamente espresso nell’encefalo e coinvolto in numerose patologie neurodegenerative. D…

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