A. Baldini

Searches for lepton number violation and resonances in K± → πμμ decays

The NA48/2 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays to final states with multiple charged particles in 2003–2004. A new upper limit on the rate of the lepton number violating decay K±→π∓μ±μ± is reported: B(K±→π∓μ±μ±)<8.6×10−11 at 90% CL. Searches for two-body resonances X in K±→πμμ decays (such as heavy neutral leptons N4 and inflatons χ ) are also presented. In the absence of signals, upper limits are set on the products of branching fractions B(K±→μ±N4)B(N4→πμ) and B(K±→π±X)B(X→μ+μ−) for ranges of assumed resonance masses and lifetimes. The limits are in the (10−11,10−9) range for resonance lifetimes below 100 ps.

research product

Physics with Low-Energy Muons at a Neutrino Factory Complex

The physics potential of an intense source of low-energy muons is studied. Such a source is a necessary stage towards building the neutrino factories and muon colliders which are being considered at present. The CERN Neutrino Factory could deliver muon beams with intensities 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than available now, with large freedom in the choice of the time structure. Low-energy muon physics contributes to many fields of basic research, including rare muon decays, i.e., decays that do not conserve muon number, measurements of fundamental constants, the muon anomalous magnetic moment, determination of the Lorentz structure of the weak interaction, QED tests, CPT tests, proton and…

research product

Physics at a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility

The conclusions of the Physics Working Group of the international scoping study of a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility (the ISS) are presented. The ISS was carried by the international community between NuFact05, (the 7th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, June 21-26, 2005) and NuFact06 (Ivine, California, 24{30 August 2006). The physics case for an extensive experimental programme to understand the properties of the neutrino is presented and the role of high-precision measurements of neutrino oscillations within this programme is discussed in detail. The performance of second generation super-beam experiments, …

research product