Zanda Ozoliņa


Development of a Novel Method for Identification of Alaria alata Mesocercariae by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Alaria (A.) alata mesocercariae (AM) have increasingly appeared as incidental findings during the mandatory inspection of wild boars for Trichinella in many European countries. An Alaria spp.-specific PCR is available for the identification of AM

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The wild boar (Sus scrofa, Linnaeus, 1758) as an important reservoir host for Alaria alata in the Baltic region and potential risk of infection in humans

Abstract Alaria alata trematode is widely distributed throughout Europe and has a complex life cycle in which wild boar serve as a reservoir host. The primary aims of the present study are to establish the occurrence of A. alata mesocercariae in naturally infected wild boar in Latvia and to assess the risk for humans to acquire A. alata infection via consumption of wild boar meat. By summarizing long-term data using the Trichinella inspection method from 2014 to 2019, the overall A. alata prevalence was 8.3%, of which significantly higher A. alata prevalence was observed during the summer seasons. Additionally, 43.9% (n = 485) of wild boar were found to be infected with A. alata using Alari…

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Riska faktoru analīze pacientiem ar cerebrālo hemorāģiju

Spontāna, netraumatiska cerebrālā hemorāģija ir nozīmīgs mirstības iemesls pasaulē. Pētījumā tika analizēti Rīgas Austrumu klīniskās universitātes stacionāra „Gaiļezers”, Neiroloģijas un neiroķirurģijas klīnikas 16. nodaļas pacientu ar netraumatisku cerebrālo hemorāģiju (330 dzīvo un 74 slimnīcā mirušo pacientu) ‘Ārsta apskates lapas’ un ‘Izraksta no slimīcas’ dati laika posmā no 2015-2017. gadam. Apkopotie dati parāda, šajā laika posmā ap 33% dzīvo un slimnīcā mirušo pacientu ‘Ārsta apskates lapa’ (pacienta anamnēze) ir nepilnīgi aizpildīta: visbiežāk daļēji aizpildīta informācija par pacienta iepriekšējo medikamentozo terapiju un slimībām. Turklāt, 29% dzīvajiem un 35 % slimnīcā mirušiem …

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