Elin Rogn Nilsen
What matters to older adults? Exploring person‐centred care during and after transitions between hospital and home
Aims and objectives To explore person-centred care provided to a group of older adults (65+) by understanding their experiences of care received, their participation in care and what matters to them during and after the transition process between hospital and home. Background Although facilitating person-centred care (PCC) has gained increasing importance globally over the last few decades, its practical implementation has been challenging. This has caused difficulties in determining its core elements and best practices. Person-centred care aims to deliver healthcare services based on individuals' preferences. Several approaches have been developed to better implement person-centred care pr…
Facilitating holistic continuity of care for older patients: Home care nurses' experiences using checklists.
Aims and objectives To explore home care nurses' experiences of implementation and use of checklists developed for improving continuity of care for older patients (65+ years). Background The Norwegian Coordination Reform was implemented to improve coordination between hospitals and communities and facilitate a quicker return to home community after hospital discharge. To follow-up, national learning networks were initialised to improve pathways for chronically ill older patients, including the development and use of standardised checklists. Design An explorative qualitative design was chosen. Methods Three focus group interviews were conducted, including 18 registered nurses from eight muni…