Roberto Rabbeni

Robust control for high performance induction motor drives based on partial state-feedback linearization

This paper deals with a robust input-output feedback linearization control technique for induction motors. Indeed, classic feedback linearization presents two main disadvantages: 1) the accuracy of the dynamic model; and 2) the corresponding correct knowledge of the model parameters. To address this issue, the linear controller has been substituted with a suitably controller designed to be robust to the variations of the main parameters of the induction motor, like stator and rotor resistances, and the three-phase magnetizing inductance. The proposed controller has been tested both in numerical simulation and experimentally on a suitably designed test setup. Moreover, it has been compared w…

research product

Dynamic modelling of a quadratic DC/DC single-switch boost converter

This manuscript proposes the analysis of a Quadratic Boost Converter (QBC) transformer-less single switch typology. The state space average dynamic model and a constrained state space average model taking into account the mono-directional components of the converter (diodes, switches) have been analyzed. The static gain expression taking into consideration the parasitic elements of the converter and the small-signal transfer function of the QBC typology under study has been obtained. A sensitivity analysis has shown a high variation of the gain versus duty-cycle and of the derivative gain versus parasitic parameters of the converter in the range of the duty-cycle from 0.6 to 0.8 which is ra…

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Identification and Robust Control of a Quadratic DC/DC Boost Converter by Hammerstein Model

This paper deals with the theoretical framework definition and the experimental application of the Hammerstein (HM) identification and related robust control technique to a quadratic dc/dc single-switch boost (Q-boost) converter. A set of fourth-order transfer functions (TFs) has been identified with the Hammerstein approach, on the basis of a pseudorandom-binary-sequence (PRBS) excitation signal. The set of identified TFs has been then used to design a suitable robust control technique, able to properly deal with the converter parameter uncertainty and load variations. The proposed approach has been tested in numerical simulation and validated experimentally on a suitably developed test se…

research product

Model Predictive Control for Shunt Active Filters With Fixed Switching Frequency

This paper presents a modification to the classical Model Predictive Control algorithm, named Modulated Model Predictive Control, and its application to active power filters. The proposed control is able to retain all the advantages of a Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control whilst improving the generated waveforms harmonic spectrum. In fact a modulation algorithm, based on the cost function ratio for different output vectors, is inherently included in the MPC. The cost function-based modulator is introduced and its effectiveness on reducing the current ripple is demonstrated. The presented solution provides an effective and straightforward single loop controller, maintaining an excel…

research product

Robust and Model Predictive Control applied to DC/DC converters and Shunt Active Filters

Al giorno d'oggi, la domanda di energia elettrica incrementa giorno per giorno. La gente spesso la usa con superficialità sottovalutando quanto essa sia preziosa. Fino a qualche decennio fa, la generazione di energia elettrica era centralizzata e dipendeva dallo sfruttamento delle risorse fossili. La limitatezza delle fonti fossili, insieme agli effetti ambientali del loro sfruttamento, hanno portato la ricerca a trovare vettori energetici alternativi poco inquinanti e facilmente reperibili. Lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili hanno sancito la fine di una rete elettrica centralizzata a favore di una nuova idea di rete elettrica di tipo distribuita che permette di…

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