Domenica Canale

First successful eradication of invasive Norway rats Rattus norvegicus from a small Mediterranean island (Isola delle Femmine, Italy)

Invasive alien species, once introduced, may affect local biodiversity, both directly (e.g. by predation) and indirectly (e.g. by reducing the vegetation cover). Among those, rats (Rodentia, Muridae) are listed among the most invasive species, exerting strong impacts particularly when introduced to island ecosystems. Accordingly, black rats Rattus rattus have been eradicated from a number of islands in the Mediterranean basin to protect breeding seabirds. Where the larger Norway rat Rattus norvegicus is present, extent of damage may be even higher. In our work, we present the results of the first eradication program dealing with Norway rats in a small Mediterranean island (Isola delle Femmi…

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Vertebrati della Riserva Naturale Speciale e Sito d’Importanza Comunitaria Lago di Pergusa.

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Dissemination of wine-related yeasts by migratory birds

Summary The present work was undertaken to evaluate the contribution of migratory birds in the environmental dissemination of yeasts. Four sites (Mazara del Vallo, Lampedusa, Ustica and Linosa), representing the main stop-over points in Sicily, were analysed during spring and autumnal bird migration and 349 birds (belonging to 10 families) were ringed and analysed for yeast presence. A total of 125 yeasts were isolated and identified by a multiple genotypic approach, consisting of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 5.8S rRNA gene and 26S rRNA and sequencing of D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene, which resulted in the recognition of 18 species, including the technological rele…

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La migrazione degli uccelli nel Mediterraneo attraverso lo studio in due aree campione a nord e a sud della Sicilia, Ustica e Isole Pelagie

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Valutazione della Biodiversità in Sicilia.

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