Víctor Agulló-calatayud

Investigación española en las áreas de adicciones y de trastornos de la alimentación: análisis de la producción, colaboración e impacto científico (1962-2017)

Las adicciones y los trastornos de la alimentación constituyen uno de los principales problemas de salud en la sociedad contemporánea al que se destinan gran cantidad de recursos destinados a la investigación para su prevención y tratamiento. Objetivos. Analizar la investigación española en el área de adicciones y trastornos de la alimentación desde que se publicó el primer trabajo recogido en bases de datos bibliográficas y desde una perspectiva bibliométrica. Metodología. Para obtener la información necesaria se consultaron las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y bases de datos del CSIC. Se elaboró un perfil de búsqueda específico. Se obtuvieron indicadores bibliométricos de producció…

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Consumption of anabolic steroids in sport, physical activity and as a drug of abuse: an analysis of the scientific literature and areas of research.

Objective The consumption of anabolic steroids (AS) has been growing continuously in recent years. It has gone beyond the sports world; AS are now widely used as drugs of abuse in connection with bodybuilding. This study sets out to assess the state of scientific research in the area. Design Bibliometrics were employed to evaluate the literature retrieved from the principal relevant bibliographic databases: MEDLINE, SportDiscus, the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index. The core journals were identified along with the leading authors and research groups and their institutional affiliations. Techniques based on social network analysis were applied in order t…

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Repercusión científica de las ayudas de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas: publicaciones derivadas e impacto científico

Los trastornos adictivos son un grave problema de salud al que se destinan gran cantidad de recursos de investigacion. El proposito de este trabajo es analizar la evolucion e impacto cientifico de las publicaciones derivadas de las ayudas a proyectos de investigacion financiados por el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (PNSD). La relacion de ayudas concedidas fue proporcionada por el PNSD. Las publicaciones derivadas se obtuvieron preguntando a los investigadores principales de las ayudas y buscando en Web of Science y Scopus. Se calcularon indicadores bibliometricos y tendencias evolutivas de la produccion cientifica por proyecto. Por termino medio, el PNSD concedio 15 ayudas anuales a proyectos …

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Scientific Publications and Research Groups on Alcohol Consumption and Related Problems Worldwide: Authorship Analysis of Papers Indexed in PubMed and Scopus Databases (2005 to 2009)

BACKGROUND: The research of alcohol consumption-related problems is a multidisciplinary field. The aim of this study is to analyze the worldwide scientific production in the area of alcohol-drinking and alcohol-related problems from 2005 to 2009. METHODS: A MEDLINE and Scopus search on alcohol (alcohol-drinking and alcohol-related problems) published from 2005 to 2009 was carried out. Using bibliometric indicators, the distribution of the publications was determined within the journals that publish said articles, specialty of the journal (broad subject terms), article type, language of the publication, and country where the journal is published. Also, authorship characteristics were assesse…

research product

David against Goliath: Diagnosis and Strategies for a Niche Sport to Develop a Sustainable Fan Community

Pilota, played using the hands, is a niche sport with origins dating back to Greco-Roman times. In the Valencian region of Spain, an indigenous version of the sport is played with healthy participation rates despite having to compete with the major global sports. This study is aimed at understanding the current situation of this sport in terms of knowledge, transmission channels, fan experience and media consumption, as well as the brand strategy challenges it faces for building a stable and sustainable fan community. The methodology consists of a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Nearly 1500questionnaires completed across three study universes, four focus groups and 3…

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