Martine Van Weelden

Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU:Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration

The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action ESMERALDA aimed at developing guidance and a flexible methodology for Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) to support the EU member states in the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy's Target 2 Action 5. ESMERALDA's key tasks included network creation, stakeholder engagement, enhancing ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods across various spatial scales and value domains, work in case studies and support of EU member states in MAES implementation. Thus ESMERALDA aimed at integrating various project outcomes around four major strands: i) Networking, ii) Policy, iii) Research an…

research product

Supplementary material 2 from: Burkhard B, Maes J, Potschin-Young MB, Santos-Martín F, Geneletti D, Stoev P, Kopperoinen L, Adamescu CM, Adem Esmail B, Arany I, Arnell A, Balzan M, Barton DN, van Beukering P, Bicking S, Borges PAV, Borisova B, Braat L, M Brander LM, Bratanova-Doncheva S, Broekx S, Brown C, Cazacu C, Crossman N, Czúcz B, Daněk J, Groot R, Depellegrin D, Dimopoulos P, Elvinger N, Erhard M, Fagerholm N, Frélichová J, Grêt-Regamey A, Grudova M, Haines-Young R, Inghe O, Kallay TK, Kirin T, Klug H, Kokkoris IP, Konovska I, Kruse M, Kuzmova I, Lange M, Liekens I, Lotan A, Lowicki D, Luque S, Marta-Pedroso C, Mizgajski A, Mononen L, Mulder S, Müller F, Nedkov S, Nikolova M, Östergård H, Penev L, Pereira P, Pitkänen K, Plieninger T, Rabe S, Reichel S, Roche PK, Rusch G, Ruskule A, Sapundzhieva A, Sepp K, Sieber IM, Šmid Hribar M, Stašová S, Steinhoff-Knopp B, Stępniewska M, Teller A, Vackar D, van Weelden M, Veidemane K, Vejre H, Vihervaara P, Viinikka A, Villoslada M, Weibel B, Zulian G (2018) Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration. One Ecosystem 3: e29153. https://doi.org/10.3897/oneeco.3.e29153

ESMERALDA Workshops overview

research product

Supplementary material 1 from: Burkhard B, Maes J, Potschin-Young MB, Santos-Martín F, Geneletti D, Stoev P, Kopperoinen L, Adamescu CM, Adem Esmail B, Arany I, Arnell A, Balzan M, Barton DN, van Beukering P, Bicking S, Borges PAV, Borisova B, Braat L, M Brander LM, Bratanova-Doncheva S, Broekx S, Brown C, Cazacu C, Crossman N, Czúcz B, Daněk J, Groot R, Depellegrin D, Dimopoulos P, Elvinger N, Erhard M, Fagerholm N, Frélichová J, Grêt-Regamey A, Grudova M, Haines-Young R, Inghe O, Kallay TK, Kirin T, Klug H, Kokkoris IP, Konovska I, Kruse M, Kuzmova I, Lange M, Liekens I, Lotan A, Lowicki D, Luque S, Marta-Pedroso C, Mizgajski A, Mononen L, Mulder S, Müller F, Nedkov S, Nikolova M, Östergård H, Penev L, Pereira P, Pitkänen K, Plieninger T, Rabe S, Reichel S, Roche PK, Rusch G, Ruskule A, Sapundzhieva A, Sepp K, Sieber IM, Šmid Hribar M, Stašová S, Steinhoff-Knopp B, Stępniewska M, Teller A, Vackar D, van Weelden M, Veidemane K, Vejre H, Vihervaara P, Viinikka A, Villoslada M, Weibel B, Zulian G (2018) Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration. One Ecosystem 3: e29153. https://doi.org/10.3897/oneeco.3.e29153

List of ESMERALDA poject partners

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