Esko Karvinen

Aerobic performance capacity in athletes

Aerobic performance capacity of 84 male and 5 female Finnish athletes practising 11 different sport events as well as 31 reference subjects was studied. The main parameters of aerobic performance capacity were maximal oxygen uptake (maxVo₂) in leg and arm work, succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) and percentage of slow twitch fibers (%ST fibers) in m. vastus lateralis (VL), m. gastrocnemius c.l. (GL) and m. deltoideus (D). The speed skaters (5.58 1 x min⁻¹), male cross-country skiers (5.42 1 x min⁻¹), canoeists (5.25 1 x min⁻¹) and long-distance runners (5.19 l x min⁻¹) had highest maxVo₂ in leg work. In ml x kg⁻¹ x min⁻¹ the male cross-country skiers, long-distance runners, speed skater…

research product

Aerobic performance capacity in athletes

Maximal oxygen uptake (max\(\dot V\)O2) in leg and arm work, succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) and percentage of slow twitch fibers (%ST fibers) in M. vastus lateralis (VL), M. gastrocnemius c.l. (GL) and M. deltoideus (D) were studied in 89 athletes practising 11 different sport events. It was found that maximal oxygen uptake correlated positively with %ST fibers and SDH activity in M. VL. The SDH activity and %ST fibers in M. VL correlated also with one another. The results suggest that oxidative capacity of the muscles is not the limiting factor for maximal oxygen uptake. The role of the oxidative capacity of the muscles might be important during submaximal work of long duration and…

research product

Genetic variation in neuromuscular performance.

Using a simple cumulative model of heredity plus environment, based on intrapair differences observed in monozygous (MZ) and dizygous (DZ) twins, the relative contribution of heredity to the interindividual variance in several neuromuscular parameters was determined with 15 pairs of male (8 MZ and 7 DZ) and 14 pairs of female (7 MZ and 7 DZ) twins ranging in age from 10 to 14 years. The data disclosed that in boys the variability in maximal mechanical (anaerobic) power was 99.2% genetically determined under the environmental conditions of the study. The corresponding heritability estimate values for the patellar reflex time and reaction time were 97.5% and 85.7%, respectively. In girls the …

research product