E. Ballesteros

Recatalogación de" Potamogeton praelongus" Wulfen ("Potamogetonaceae") según las categorías UICN, 2001

Proponemos la recatalogación de la espiga de agua Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen, a la categoría de «En Peligro Crítico (CR)» según criterios UICN-2001, así como su inclusión en los catálogos oficiales de especies amenazadas de España, Aragón y Cataluña en la categorías de «En peligro de extinción». We propose to recatalogue Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen, into the category of «Critically Endangered (CR)» according to IUCN-2001 criteria, and its inclusion in the official catalogue of threatened species of Spain, Aragon and Catalonia in the categories of «Danger Extinction».

research product

Mediterranean rocky reefs in the Anthropocene: Present status and future concerns

Global change is striking harder and faster in the Mediterranean Sea than elsewhere, where high levels of human pressure and proneness to climate change interact in modifying the structure and disrupting regulative mechanisms of marine ecosystems. Rocky reefs are particularly exposed to such environmental changes with ongoing trends of degradation being impressive. Due to the variety of habitat types and associated marine biodiversity, rocky reefs are critical for the functioning of marine ecosystems, and their decline could profoundly affect the provision of essential goods and services which human populations in coastal areas rely upon. Here, we provide an up-to-date overview of the statu…

research product

Invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var. cilindrica (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea: an assessment of the spread

research product