R. Expositor-rodríguez
THU0713 How the variation in the lumbopelvic patterns of movement affects the neuromotor control of the biceps femoris during trunk forward bending
Background Trunk forward bending is one of the most common activities in daily living; it is a two-part movement involving the lumbar spine flexion and pelvis rotation at hip joint. The pattern of movement during forward bending was defined as the relative contribution of the lumbar spine to pelvis motion, and was expressed as the ratio between the ranges of lumbar spine motion to pelvis motion (L/P), which, calculated at certain degrees of trunk flexion during the entire movement, provides the lumbo-pelvic rhythm. This is associated with a specific pattern of activation for back and hip extensor muscles which was coined as flexion relaxation phenomenon, observed either in the erector spina…
AB1197 Changes in Lumbar Spinopelvic Pattern of Movement Influence the Flexion Relaxation of the Erector Spinae
Background In healthy subjects, the erector spinae muscles (ES) exhibits a relaxation of its electrical activity when the trunk is nearby its full flexion. Objectives To find out the influence of exhibiting a lumbar spine or a pelvis dominant pattern of movement during trunk flexion from upright position on the appearance of the myoelectric relaxation of the erector spinae. In healthy subjects, the erector spinae muscles (ES) exhibits a relaxation of its electrical activity when the trunk is nearby its full flexion. Objectives To find out the influence of exhibiting a lumbar spine or a pelvis dominant pattern of movement during trunk flexion from upright position on the appearance of the my…
AB1057 risk factors associated with different lumbopelvic patterns of movement
Background Rapid flexion movement increases the loading on the spine and it increases the risk of injuries 1 . In asymptomatic subjects lumbar-dominant and pelvis-dominant patterns of movement during trunk flexion have been observed 2,3 . However, little information about lumbar spine kinematics has been provided. Objectives To find out whether exhibiting different lumbopelvic patterns of movement during trunk flexion affects the kinematics of the lumbar spine in terms of velocity of motion. Methods Differential lumbar spine and pelvis angular displacement during the time course of a standardised sagittal trunk flexion from an upright position was recorded with an electromagnetic tracking d…