P. Perez-bermudez
Micropropagation of bay laurel (Daphne gnidiumL.)
SummaryProcedures have been developed for the micropropagation of Daphne gnidium, a shrub species of ecological interest, using explants of juvenile and adult origin. Shoot proliferation rates were significantly affected by both salt formulation and benzylade- nine concentration. Best results were obtained on WP medium with 5 µM BA. The presence of indoleacetic acid in the induction medium improved BA-induced axillary bud proliferation from juvenile explants. Rooting of shoots produced in culture was difficult, especially those of adult origin. Besides an absolute requirement for auxin, calcium concentration and the pH of the medium affected the formation of adventitious roots from regenera…
Digitalis spp.: In Vitro Production of Haploids
Digitalis, a member of the Scrophulariaceae, is composed of biennial or perennial herbs and occasionally of small shrubs. Several Digitalis species are used therapeutically, as they are a source of cardiac glycosides. The importance and distribution of these species are summarized below, with special attention to D. purpurea, D. lanata and D. obscura. For a detailed review see Thtin et al. (1972), Morton (1977), and Font Quer (1978).