Z. Malenovsky
Beyond APAR and NPQ: Factors Coupling and Decoupling SIF and GPP Across Scales
The connection between solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and vegetation gross primary productivity is being widely investigated across spatial, temporal, and biological scales, including: a) studies at the leaf [1], [2], plant canopy [2]–[4] or satellite pixel scale [5], [6], b) temporally with studies spanning from diurnal [7] to seasonal scales [1], [3], [5], and b) biologically with studies covering various plant functional types (PFTs), e.g., crops [4], [7], deciduous [8] or evergreen forests [1], [3], in response to different sources of stress.
Oxygen transmittance correction for solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measured on proximal sensing: Application to the NASA-GSFC fusion tower
Since oxygen (O 2 ) absorption of light becomes more pronounced at higher pressure levels, even a few meters distance between the target and the sensor can strongly affect canopy-leaving Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) retrievals. This study was conducted to quantify the consequent error propagation and the impact of ignoring oxygen absorption effects on proximal sensing SIF measurements based on the O 2 -A absorption band with field-acquired and simulated data. It was demonstrated that the uncorrected oxygen transmittance between target and sensor distance of 10 m can lead to SIF relative errors ranging from 66% to higher than 100% when using a Spectral Fitting (SF) technique …
Photoprotection dynamics observed at leaf level from fast temporal reflectance changes
Vegetation dynamically reacts to the available photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by adjusting the photosynthetic apparatus to either a light harvesting or a photoprotective modus. When activating the photoprotection mechanism, either minor or major pigment-protein interactions may occur at the leaf level, resulting in different light absorption and consequently reflectance intensities. The reflectance changes were measured during sudden illumination transients designed to provoke fast adaptation to high irradiance. Different spectral reflectance change features were observed during different stages of photoprotection activation, extending over part of the visible spectral range (i.e…