James R. Kellner

Beyond APAR and NPQ: Factors Coupling and Decoupling SIF and GPP Across Scales

The connection between solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and vegetation gross primary productivity is being widely investigated across spatial, temporal, and biological scales, including: a) studies at the leaf [1], [2], plant canopy [2]–[4] or satellite pixel scale [5], [6], b) temporally with studies spanning from diurnal [7] to seasonal scales [1], [3], [5], and b) biologically with studies covering various plant functional types (PFTs), e.g., crops [4], [7], deciduous [8] or evergreen forests [1], [3], in response to different sources of stress.

research product

Stray light characterization in a high-resolution imaging spectrometer designed for solar-induced fluorescence

New commercial-off-the-shelf imaging spectrometers promise the combination of high spatial and spectral resolution needed to retrieve solar induced fluorescence (SIF). Imaging at multiple wavelengths for individual plants and even individual leaves from low-altitude airborne or ground-based platforms has applications in agriculture and carbon-cycle science. Data from these instruments could provide insight into the status of the photosynthetic apparatus at scales of space and time not observable with tools based on gas exchange, and could support the calibration and validation activities of current and forthcoming space missions to quantify SIF. High-spectral resolution enables SIF retrieva…

research product

Chlorophyll a fluorescence illuminates a path connecting plant molecular biology to Earth-system science

Remote sensing methods enable detection of solar-induced chlorophyll a fluorescence. However, to unleash the full potential of this signal, intensive cross-disciplinary work is required to harmonize biophysical and ecophysiological studies. For decades, the dynamic nature of chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlaF) has provided insight into the biophysics and ecophysiology of the light reactions of photosynthesis from the subcellular to leaf scales. Recent advances in remote sensing methods enable detection of ChlaF induced by sunlight across a range of larger scales, from using instruments mounted on towers above plant canopies to Earth-orbiting satellites. This signal is referred to as solar-in…

research product