P. Pascual
Photoproduction of pions on 3He and 3H
Abstract In this paper the photoproduction of pions on nuclei with three nucleons is considered in the “elastic” channels. The calculation is done using the impulse approximation and neglecting rescattering effects.
CP properties of the leptonic sector for majorana neutrinos
Abstract The leptonic sector of the electroweak theory is analyzed for massive Majorana neutrinos. For n generations, the Majorana mass lagrangian is diagonalized using the polar reduction to guarantee physical positive masses independently of the CP properties or the choice of the phases of the fields. When CP invariance holds, the CP eigenvalues of the definite mass neutrino fields are determined without commitment to a particular phase choice. For charged current interactions, we find that the observable CP violating phases can be parametrized a la Kobayashi-Maskawa for the vertec. Extra ( n − 1) relative phases of the massive neutrino fields are significant. The extra phases are observa…
Long-range parity violating interaction in muonic atoms
Abstract Long-range parity violating forces are induced in muonic atoms by virtual γ−Z 0 conversion between the muon and the nucleus. They are of order G F α with range (2 m e ) −1 . The relevant diagrams in unified electroweak interactions are calculated and the effects of the corresponding potential on parity admixtures in muonic levels are studied. It is proved that they are negligible for n = 3 orbits, but they have overwhelmed the conventional short-range contribution for n = 5.
Total muon-capture rate. Application to11B
A study of the total muon-capture rate in nuclei is presented, with the aid of the impulse and closure approximations and under the assumption that the initial nucleus can be described by a mixing of states in theJ-scheme. The theory is applied to the process of muon capture in11B, with a discussion on the value of the average neutrino momentum.
Quasi-elastic neutrino reaction in deuterium
In this paper the processv+d→μ−+p+p is studied in the framework of the impulse approximation, with or without using closure approximation. Final-state interactions are considered.
Neutral current couplings of higher generations
Abstract We show that longitudinal polarization of the outgoing lepton in e + e − →μ + (τ + )μ − (τ − ) is expected at the energies of a vector meson resonance (Ψ, ϒ, T, …). On the basis of the standard SU(2) × U(1) theory, this parity violating observable is already appreciable (∼3%) for the ϒ, and it becomes ∼9% for a T at 30 GeV.