Margherita Marsili
Spinorial formulation of the GW-BSE equations and spin properties of excitons in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
In many paradigmatic materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides, the role played by the spin degrees of freedom is as important as the one played by the electron-electron interaction. Thus an accurate treatment of the two effects and of their interaction is necessary for an accurate and predictive study of the optical and electronic properties of these materials. Despite the fact that the GW-BSE approach correctly accounts for electronic correlations, the spin-orbit coupling effect is often neglected or treated perturbatively. Recently, spinorial formulations of GW-BSE have become available in different flavors in material-science codes. However, an accurate validation and comparis…
Spinorial formulation of the GW-BSE equations and spin properties of excitons in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
In many paradigmatic materials, like Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, the role played by the spin degrees of freedom is as important as the one played by the electron-electron interaction. Thus an accurate treatment of the two effects and of their interaction is necessary for an accurate and predictive study of the optical and electronic properties of these materials. Despite the GW-BSE approach correctly accounts for electronic correlations the spin-orbit coupling effect is often neglected or treated perturbatively. Recently spinorial formulations of GW-BSE have become available in different flavours in material-science codes. Still an accurate validation and comparison of different appro…