Socialization Into Teaching Physical Education – Acculturative Formation of Perceived Strengths
1. IntroductionIt is common that physical education (PE) in primary schools is taught by generalist class teachers. They have been found to possess strong socially constructed beliefs about teaching and their teaching competencies already before they enter formal teacher preparation. These beliefs act as filters when acquiring and interpreting new information thus influencing what is learned during the formal teacher preparation (Capel & Katene, 2000; Curtner-Smith, 2001; Doolittle, Dodds, & Placek, 1993; Hutchinson, 1993; Lawson, 1983; Lortie, 1975; Matanin & Collier, 2003; Pajares, 1992; Placek, Dodds, Doolittle, Portman, Ratliffe & Pinkham, 1995; Randall & Maeda, 2010; Richardson, 2003).…
Jokaisella lapsella on oikeus laadukkaaseen musiikkikasvatukseen
Non peer reviewed
The Relationships between Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Teaching and Instructing/Coaching Orientations, and Their Perceived Strengths in Teaching Physical Education at the Primary Level
Abstract. This study explored if the orientations towards instructing/coaching in physical activities (PA) and teaching physical education (PE) affect the perceived strengths in teaching PE at the primary level (PSTPEs). The orientations were considered as socializing factors into teaching PE. In this study, the perceived strengths were divided into discipline - and pupil - focused strengths. Online questionnaire was used to collect the data from 386 first year pre - service primary teachers before their first PE course of formal teacher education, to expose the acculturative influences of the orientations. Cross tabulation and logistic regression were used to analyze the relationships. The…
Progress in Using an Electronic Playing Environment. A Comparative Study between Cantors and Primary Teacher Students Specialising in Music
Abstract This research was executed as self-study research in a music technology learning environment designed for teacher education. It explored the functionality of music technology teaching from the viewpoints of technical, physical, and social learning environments. Moreover, connecting music theory teaching to a notation programme was studied. The target group consisted of primary teacher students, and the control group were parish cantors. The participants kept a study log and answered questions related to the teaching and subject content. These data were analysed with qualitative analysis. Group differences were examined with Mann-Whitney's U-test. Both the beginners and experts had …
Student teachers’ views of their own musical skills to teach the National Core Curriculum in Finland
As in many other countries, Finnish primary school teacher education has reduced substantially the amount of music studies during recent decades. From the perspective of the National Core Curriculum, there is a reason to reflect on teacher education and primary school student teachers’ skills to teach music. The present study investigates 392 student teachers’ musical skills in five different teacher training programmes in Finland. The data, mainly based on students’ self-assessment, was collected through a quantitative questionnaire. The results reveal significant shortcomings of music education in teacher training. For example, many key content areas such as singing or composing, are addr…
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Peer reviewed