Murielle Colombet
Changing geographical patterns and trends in cancer incidence in children and adolescents in Europe, 1991–2010 (Automated Childhood Cancer Information System): a population-based study
List of ACCIS contributors = Monika Hackl, Anna Zborovskaya, Nadya Dimitrova, Zdravka Valerianova, Ladislav Dušek, Margit Mägi, Alain Monnereau, Jacqueline Clavel, Michel Velten, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Véronique Bouvier, Xavier Troussard, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Emilie Marrer, Brigitte Trétarre, Marc Colonna, Olivier Ganry, Pascale Grosclaude, Berndt Holleczek, Zsuzsanna Jakab, Laufey Tryggvadóttir, Lucia Mangone, Franco Merletti, Stefano Ferretti, Bianca Caruso, Maria Michiara, Rosario Tumino, Fabio Falcini, Roberto Zanetti, Giovanna Tagliabue, Otto Visser, Giske Ursin, Ryszard Mężyk, Kamila Kepska, José Laranja Pontes, Maja Primic Žakelj, Rafael Fernández-Delgado, Marisa L Vicente Raneda, En…
Registration of childhood cancer: Moving towards pan-European coverage?
Cancer is relatively rare in childhood, but it contributes considerably to childhood mortality, years of life lost per person and late effects in survivors. Large populations need to be covered to set up meaningful studies of these rare conditions. Cancer registries ensure cancer surveillance, thus providing the basis for research as well as policy decisions. In this paper we examine coverage of childhood population by cancer registries in Europe and encourage national cancer registration. Over 200 cancer registries in various stages of development were identified as collecting data on childhood cancer patients in Europe. They cover 52% of the childhood population in the World Health Organi…