Nooa Nykänen
Economic Degrowth and the Collapse of Institutional Order: Theory and Propositions
Integrating insights from new institutional economics and studies on the collapse of past empires, we sketch a process model that links economic degrowth to the collapse of institutional orders. Our thought experiment starts from emphasizing the importance of institutions and enforcement mechanisms in maintaining a sufficient level of economic activity to sustain public costs. We flip this established logic and elucidate the negative role of economic degrowth in the weakening of the public sector’s ability to enforce institutional rules. Internal and external shocks further shake the stability of the institutional order and, at some point, individuals’ belief in institutional rules and nor…
Neuvostoliiton talousmaantiede ja Venäjän kehityspolut
Neuvostoliitto; Venäjä nonPeerReviewed
150 vuotta metallitekniikan historiaa Pietarissa : katsauksessa Obuhovin ja Putilovin tehtaat ja tehdasmuseot
Neva-joen halkomaa Pietaria pitää moni suomalainen Venäjän kansainvälisen kaupan ja länsimaisuuden keskuksena, mutta satama-alueen laitamilla höyryä tupruttavat savupiiput muistuttavat myös kaupungin roolista Venäjän raskas- ja koneteollisuuden historiallisena keskuksena. Tässä kirjoituksessa tutustutaan lyhyesti kahteen Pietarin tärkeimmistä kone- ja metalliteollisuustehtaasta historiallisen katsauksen ja museovierailun myötä. nonPeerReviewed
Competing institutional logics in Soviet industrial location policy
The Soviet legacy has been widely demonstrated to have had negative impacts on the regional and economic development of Russia. This article studies the mechanisms of competing institutional logics in Soviet industrial location policies as a source of this adverse heritage. The results indicate that prolonged competition between three institutional logics complicated the adoption and practice of consistent industrial location strategies and contributed to structural problems in economic geography. An analysis of Soviet institutional logics demonstrates parallel forms of competition and coexistence with findings from other institutional environments, paving the way for a broader theoretical …