The Roles of Adherence and Usage Activity in Adolescents' Intervention Gains During Brief Guided Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
OBJECTIVEThis study investigated the roles of adherence and usage activity in adolescents’ (n = 161) gains during a 5-week web intervention program based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).METHODProgram adherence was calculated as adherence percentage in relation to intended usage, whereas completion percentage, usage time, and usage weeks were used as indicators for usage activity. Subjective well-being was measured by self-reported life satisfaction and stress before and after the intervention.RESULTSFirst, regression analysis results showed that higher adherence predicted an increase in life satisfaction during intervention. Second, three subgroups of adolescents were identified …
Verkkopohjaisen hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaintervention muutosta välittävät mekanismit unettomuuden hoidossa
Unettomuus eli nukahtamiseen tai nukkumiseen liittyvät vaikeudet on yleinen ilmiö, joka on yhteydessä moniin psyykkisiin ja fyysisiin ongelmiin. Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia on arvoihin, tietoiseen läsnäoloon ja hyväksyntään keskittyvä psykoterapiamenetelmä, jota on hyödynnetty lupaavin tuloksin muun muassa masennuksen, kroonisen kivun ja tinnituksen hoidossa. Internetin yleistymisen myötä myös verkkointerventioita ja niiden hyödyntämistä käytännön terapiatyössä on kasvavissa määrin tutkittu. Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaverkkointerventioiden muutosta välittävistä tekijöistä on kuitenkin vielä varsin vähän tutkimustietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella verkkopohj…
Usage activity, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction in a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program among Finnish ninth-grade adolescents.
Understanding adolescent usage activity and experiences in web-based psychological intervention programs helps in developing universal programs that can be adopted for promotion of adolescent well-being and prevention of mental health problems. This study examined the usage activity, perceived usefulness (i.e., learning of mindfulness, acceptance and value-related skills), and program satisfaction of 157 Finnish ninth-grade adolescents, who participated in a school-based five-week universal acceptance and commitment therapy web intervention called Youth Compass. Individual and growth environment-related antecedents were measured before the five-week intervention, adolescents' usage activity…
A guided online ACT intervention may increase psychological well-being and support school engagement in adolescents
Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which initial levels and changes in ninth-grade adolescents' (n = 243) psychological well-being were associated with their school engagement after the transition to upper secondary education. In addition, we investigated whether a brief guided online acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention program delivered during ninth grade was associated with adolescents’ subsequent school engagement through changes in their psychological well-being. Method Latent growth modeling (LGM) was used to examine the levels of and changes in well-being during ninth grade. Next, school engagement (measured by school satisfaction …