F. De Zela
Polarimetric measurements of single-photon geometric phases
We report polarimetric measurements of geometric phases that are generated by evolving polarized photons along non-geodesic trajectories on the Poincar\'e sphere. The core of our polarimetric array consists of seven wave plates that are traversed by a single photon beam. With this array any SU(2) transformation can be realized. By exploiting the gauge invariance of geometric phases under U(1) local transformations, we nullify the dynamical contribution to the total phase, thereby making the latter coincide with the geometric phase. We demonstrate our arrangement to be insensitive to various sources of noise entering it. This makes the single-beam, polarimetric array a promising, versatile t…
Unrestricted generation of pure two-qubit states and entanglement diagnosis by single-qubit tomography.
We present an experimental proof-of-principle for the generation and detection of pure two-qubit states that have been encoded in degrees of freedom that are common to both classical-light beams and single photons. Our protocol requires performing polarization tomography on a single qubit from a qubit pair. The degree of entanglement in the qubit pair is measured by concurrence, which can be directly extracted from intensity measurements-or photon counting-entering single-qubit polarization tomography.