Francesco Fresi
Patterns of evidence integration in schizophrenia and delusion.
Previous studies documented a bias against disconfirmatory evidence (BADE) in patients affected by schizophrenia spectrum disorders, with some discrepant findings on its relationship with delusions. In order to further investigate the patterns of evidence integration in schizophrenia and delusion, we recruited 40 deluded and non-deluded patients with schizophrenia and 40 healthy control subjects. Participants were administered the BADE test, which consisted of 30 delusion-neutral scenarios, each one progressively described by three subsequent disambiguating statements and providing four types of interpretation to rate for plausibility; at every additional evidence presentation, participants…
Behavioural sensitization to repeated sleep deprivation in a mice model of mania.
Sensitization to the effect of stress has been hypothesized as a mechanism to explain episode recurrence and cycle acceleration in bipolar disorder. Naturalistic observations and experimental work in human patients suggested that sleep deprivation can trigger manic episodes of illness. In rats sleep deprivation (SD) with the platform method caused mania-like behaviours thus providing an animal model of mania with face, construct, and predictive validity. In the present study we administered SD or control stress to male CD1 mice following a dose-response protocol based on time of exposure to the experimental conditions (6, 12 or 24 h) and repetition of treatment (three times). SD, but not st…