Karina Babiča
Dažu metālisko elementu sastopamības variācijas brūklenēs (VACCINIUM VITIS-IDEAEA L.) un augsnē
Darbā ir analizēts tādu metālisko elementu kā Fe, Cu, Zn, K, Mn, Ni, Cd, As un Pb saturs brūklenēs un pētīta to pārnese uz dažādām auga daļām, izsekots arī fosfora koncentrācijai brūklenēs. Augsnes paraugos noteikts pH, dzelzs un cinka saturs. Brūkleņu paraugi un augsne līdz 10 cm dziļumam tika ievākti divās teritorijās: Garkalnes mežs un Vecumu mežs Žīguru pagastā.
Variations of some Metallic Elements in Different Parts of Lingonberries <i>(Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)</i>
The aim of the research was to evaluate the content of metallic elements in different parts of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) depending on their place of growth and evaluate the transfer factor values from between different parts of plants (fine roots, leaves, berries). Obtained results show that there are no significant differences between the content of Fe, Cu, Zn and K, and there are similar element transfer factors between different parts of lingonberries independent from which site the samples are taken.