Amira Jouini
Soil microbial biomass responses to essential oils extracted from different Mediterranean herbs
Essential oils (EOs) extracted form herbs contain terpenes, terpenoids and polyphenols which show inhibitory effects on seed germination and seedling growth of weeds. Therefore, EOs are potential sources for the development of new bioherbicides. A previous study carried out by the authors has found EOs extracted from Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav., Mentha x piperita L., and Santolina chamaecyparissus L. were able to reduce the emergence and seedling growth of many weeds. However, due to their potential antimicrobial activity, EOs could affect all soil processes mediated by microorganisms. Since EOs impacts seem to be rather complex as they have been found not only to inhibit but also stimulate …
The widespread use of synthetic herbicides has resulted in herbicide-resistant weeds, disturbed ecological balance and negative effects on human health. Due to this fact, it is necessary to rely on alternative weed control strategies using natural compounds released by plants, such as essential oils (EOs). EOs have a short half-life since they are biodegradable, and are safer than synthetic compounds, with little damage to the environment, without even contaminating ground water (Topal and Kocaçalıskan 2006). Essential oils from different species contain allelochemical compounds that possess significant phytotoxic activity. Azizi and Fuji (2006) demonstrated that Eucalyptus (family Myrtacea…
In the semiarid Mediterranean environment, vineyard soils are often characterised by intensive tillage and large supply of inorganic fertilizers. Those practices, coupled with the semiarid Mediterranean climate features (warm to hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters),speed up the mineralisation of soil organic matter (SOM) so that many lands have lost much fertility. To counteract SOM decline, the introduction of cover crops with or without nitrogen (N) fixing forage legumes, has become a management technique widely used. Indeed, cover crops besides increasing SOM and potentially mineralisable N, it can mitigate soil erosion in sloping vineyards. However, the competition risk for soil wate…
Metabolic responses of microbial community in soil amended with fresh leaves and leaf extracts from eucalyptus spp.
Field observations reveal that often large areas of soil surface beneath Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. are completely bare or with scant vegetation. Moreover, previous studies have showed that other species of Eucalyptus, such as Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn, may be effective in suppressing seed germination and weed growth. Such effects have been ascribed to the large number of secondary metabolites within Eucalyptus leaves. Due to their inhibition activity against weeds, leaf extracts might be used for an integrated weed management context, in accordance with the Directive 2009/128/EC. Several studies exist about the effects of Eucalyptus leaf extracts on weeds, whereas they are lacking o…
Herbicidal activity of Mediterranean essential oils and their effects on soil bioindicators.
[ES] Las preocupaciones ambientales y de salud han estimulado el interés en estrategias alternativas para el manejo de las malas hierbas. En todo el mundo se están haciendo esfuerzos para reducir la gran dependencia de los herbicidas sintéticos que se utilizan como principal método para el control de las plantas arvenses. Los herbicidas naturales basados en sustancias alelopáticas, como los aceites esenciales (AEs) extraídos de plantas, se han sugerido como una de las posibles alternativas para lograr un manejo sostenible de las arvenses. Por un lado, los AEs han mostrado capacidad para inhibir la germinación y el crecimiento de semillas de malas hierbas, por otro lado, hay una falta de est…
Effetti degli oli essenziali di agrumi applicati in post-emergenza sul controllo delle infestanti e sulla comunità microbica del suolo
Sebbene gli erbicidi sintetici ad oggi siano il mezzo più utilizzato per il controllo delle erbe infestanti, è ampiamente dimostrato che essi hanno un impatto negativo sul suolo, sull'ambiente e, inoltre, iniziano a manifestarsi fenomeni di resistenza. Pertanto, è importante sviluppare mezzi alternativi che siano al contempo efficaci e rispettosi dell’ambiente. Gli olii essenziali estratti dalle piante sono stati da sempre utilizzati per molteplici usi come agenti battericidi, virucidi, fungicidi, insetticidi, medicinali e cosmetici. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato tali attività degli oli essenziali estratti dagli agrumi, ma scarsi sono gli studi che hanno investigato il loro potenziale uso …
Potential Effects of Essential Oils Extracted from Mediterranean Aromatic Plants on Target Weeds and Soil Microorganisms
Essential oils (EOs), extracted from aromatic plants, have been proposed as candidates to develop natural herbicides. This study aimed to evaluate the herbicidal potential of Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav., Mentha ×
Herbicidal activity of Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. essential oil
The bioherbicidal potential of Thymbra capitata (l.) Cav. essential oil (EO) and its main compound carvacrol was investigated. In in vitro assays, the EO blocked the germination and seedling growth of Erigeron canadensis L., Sonchus oleraceus (l.) L., and Chenopodium album L. at 0.125 µ