J. W. Negele

Quark Contributions to Nucleon Momentum and Spin from Domain Wall fermion calculations

We report contributions to the nucleon spin and momentum from light quarks calculated using dynamical domain wall fermions with pion masses down to 300 MeV and fine lattice spacing a=0.084 fm. Albeit without disconnected diagrams, we observe that spin and orbital angular momenta of both u and d quarks are opposite, almost canceling in the case of the d quark, which agrees with previous calculations using a mixed quark action. We also present the full momentum dependence of n=2 generalized form factors showing little variation with the pion mass.

research product

Δ-baryon electromagnetic form factors in lattice QCD

We develop techniques to calculate the four Delta electromagnetic form factors using lattice QCD, with particular emphasis on the sub-dominant electric quadrupole form factor that probes deformation of the Delta. Results are presented for pion masses down to approximately 350 MeV for three cases: quenched QCD, two flavors of dynamical Wilson quarks, and three flavors of quarks described by a mixed action combining domain wall valence quarks and dynamical staggered sea quarks. The magnetic moment of the Delta is chirally extrapolated to the physical point and the Delta charge density distributions are discussed.

research product

Delta electromagnetic form factors and quark transverse charge densities from lattice QCD

We discuss the techniques to extract the electromagnetic Delta form factors in Lattice QCD. We evaluate these form factors using dynamical fermions with smallest pion mass of about 350 MeV. We pay particular attention to the extraction of the electric quadrupole form factor that signals a deformation of the Delta. The magnetic moment of the $\Delta$ is extrapolated using a chiral effective field theory. Using the form factors we evaluate the transverse density distributions in the infinite momentum frame showing deformation in the Delta.

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