C. Puccio

Experimental Prototyping of a Microgrid with Mechanical Point of Common Coupling

The smartgrid is a key technology for the sustainable and smart utilization of the renewable energies. In this paper, a prototyping of a microgrid, assembled at the Sustainable Development and Energy Saving Laboratory (SDESLAB) of the University of Palermo, is presented and discussed. In detail, the microgrid presents only one mechanical point of common coupling (PCC) with the main grid and it is electrically separated from the main grid. In this way, the voltage variations of the main grid do not affect the microgrid electric quantities behavior. In order to validate the effectiveness of the voltage and frequency control, several experimental tests and analysis have been carried out. In de…

research product

Quale migliore approccio riabilitativo nella cervicoartrori secondo le linee guida EBM? nostra esperienza

La Cervicoartrosi è un’artropatia di tipo evolutivo la cui base anatomica è rappresentata da un processo degenerativo con inizio nelle cartilagini articolari che vanno incontro a fenomeni di usura, proliferazioni marginali, eburneizzazione dei capi ossei. L’incidenza tende ad essere in costante aumento per l’allungamento della vita media, interessando maggiormente il sesso femminile con un rapporto di 3:1. L’artrosi cervicale clinicamente si manifesta con dolore in regione cervico- dorsale, contrattura dei muscoli paravertebrali, limitazione del ROM fino a possibili manifestazioni neurologiche. Si può inoltre giungere ad una insufficienza vasomotoria di tipo funzionale, dipendente dalla pos…

research product

Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications

The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. Currently, supercapacitors (SCs) are collecting even more attention due to their unique features such as high-power density, high life cycle and lack of maintenance. In this paper, a supercapacitor model suitable for the simulation in automotive applications is identified. The model parameters are estimated and used to simulate the behaviour of a commercial SCs bank in different operating conditions. The model is finally validated considering experimental results.

research product

Energy Storage by using HVDC Power Cables

The development of HVDC (high voltage direct current) systems closely follow the growth of global energy requirements. In particular, HVDC cables are conveniently used for the interconnection of geographical areas which need a low environmental impact and/or when submarines interconnections have to be built up. The paper investigates the stored energy value in an HVDC cable during its normal duty and if it is possible to take advantage of this energy when the cable is disconnected for some reason. In particular, the idea is to store the cable energy, which would be dissipated uselessly, by using a dedicated system and then reuse it when favorable conditions hold, e.g a convenient economic s…

research product