Kristina Potocnik

El paper de la interacció social en el procés de sortida del rol laboral. La jubilació primerenca com a exemple.

El procés d'envelliment a Europa dóna lloc a canvis importants en la composició de la força laboral que plantegen nous desafiaments als diversos agents socials, les empreses, l'administració pública i els treballadors mateixos. Aquesta situació ha fet sorgir un interès cada cop major per entendre el procés que du les persones a jubilar-se abans de temps. La investigació en aquest àmbit ha partit de dues perspectives. Una perspectiva considera la jubilació primerenca com un fenomen involuntari i que és resultat de les polítiques socials i dels acords entre l'empresa, l'administració i els sindicats per fer front a problemes estructurals. L'altra perspectiva, tot i que considera també els efe…

research product

The Influence of the Early Retirement Process on Satisfaction with Early Retirement and Psychological Well-Being

The present study explores the influence of the early retirement process on adjustment to early retirement, taking into account the roles of individual characteristics and social context in this process. We proposed a systematic model integrating perceived ability to continue working, organizational pressures toward early retirement and group norms about early retirement as antecedents of the early retirement process and subsequent satisfaction with early retirement and psychological well-being. In addition, we examined the moderating role of the voluntariness of the early retirement transition in the proposed model. Our hypotheses were tested using a sample of 213 early retirees. We found…

research product

Retirement fit as a function of the retirement type and voluntariness: a gender view

En el presente trabajo examinamos el ajuste al retiro laboral, examinando la satisfacción con la jubilación y bienestar psicológico en una muestra de 260 prejubilados y jubilados. Se consideraron tres factores: el tipo de retiro (prejubilación o jubilación), la percepción de la medida en que la salida del rol laboral fue voluntaria (voluntariedad) y el género. Los resultados muestran que las personas que se jubilaron y que lo hicieron voluntariamente perciben mayores niveles de satisfacción con la jubilación y bienestar psicológico en comparación con los que se prejubilaron y aquellos que lo hicieron obligatoriamente, respectivamente. Además se puso de manifiesto la interacción entre las va…

research product

Linking Service Climate and Disconfirmation of Expectations as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction: A Cross-Level Study1

Research addressing customer satisfaction has not been conducted within an integrated framework. Two approaches have been developed separately with different levels of construct and analysis: organizational behavior and consumer behavior. Our research study provides an initial step in developing integrative strategies with the joint consideration of service climate and disconfirmation of expectations. We link these 2 concepts to customer satisfaction with services, using a cross-level approach. Data from 105 work units and 1,033 customers confirmed the existence of a dual corridor of relationships, with independent and significant links from disconfirmation and service climate to customer s…

research product

Is service climate strength beneficial or detrimental for service quality delivery?

This study examines whether climate strength has a direct, moderating, or curvilinear effect in the relationship between service climate and customer service quality perceptions. To this end, we carried out cross-sectional and lagged empirical studies in the Spanish hospitality sector. Our cross-sectional results confirmed that high climate strength in managerial practices fosters a positive impact of managerial practices on customer service quality evaluations. However, other results related to customer orientation of services question the idea that service climate strength is always a precursor of service quality. High climate strength in customer orientation enhanced the negative relatio…

research product

Truly Satisfied With Your Retirement or Just Resigned? Pathways Toward Different Patterns of Retirement Satisfaction

The main aim of the present study was to explore different patterns of retirement satisfaction. Following the dynamic model of job satisfaction, we identify different retirement satisfaction forms. We also examined a set of antecedents of observed retirement satisfaction forms and their impact on psychological well-being. Using a sample of 270 Spanish retirees, cluster analytical results showed four retirement satisfaction forms. These were stabilized-progressive, resigned-stabilized, and resigned retirement satisfaction and constructive-fixated retirement dissatisfaction. Gender, retirement intentions, and voluntariness of retirement transition predicted retirement satisfaction forms. Fin…

research product

Humane Orientation as a New Cultural Dimension of the GLOBE Project: A Validation Study of the GLOBE Scale and Out-Group Humane Orientation in 25 Countries

SCHLÖSSER, Oliver; HEINTZE, Anna-Maria; AL-NAJJAR, Musaed; ARCISZEWSKI, Thomas; BESEVEGIS, Elias; BISHOP, George David; BONNES, Mirilia; CLEGG, Chris W.; DROZDA-SENKOWSKA, Ewa; GABORIT, Mauricio; GARZON, Dayra; HANSEN, Tia G. B.; HESZEN, Irena; JUHASZ, Marta; KEATING, Mary A.; MANGUNDJAYA, Wustari; MANSOR, Norma; MITCHELSON, Jacqueline K.; ORTIZ-REYNOSO, Alejandra; PANDEY, Janak; PAVAKANUN, Ubolwanna; PAVLOPOULOS, Vassilis; PEIRO, Jose M.; POTOCNIK, Kristina; RESTREPO-ESPINOSA, Maria H.; SEMMER, Norbert; TUPINAMBA, Antonio Caubi Ribeiro; VENTURA, Elizabeth R.; WHOOLERY, Matthew; ZHANG, Kan. Humane orientation as a new cultural dimension of the globe project: a validation study of the globe …

research product

Retirement Practices in Different Countries

research product

The Role of Human Resource Practices and Group Norms in the Retirement Process

The present study analyzed retirement intentions and behavior as part of a work role withdrawal process. We examined the influences of the organizational and group contexts in the process of work role exit by means of two sources of work role expectations: human resource practices and group norms. Three different types of human resource practices were taken into consideration: performance enhancement practices, retirement enhancement practices, and organizational pressures toward retirement. Furthermore, three types of retirement indicators were analyzed: age considering retirement for the first time, early retirement intentions, and retirement age. Hierarchical regression analyses were ca…

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