Anita Slenzka
Salicornia L. (Amaranthaceae) in South Africa and Namibia: rapid spread and ecological diversification of cryptic species
In Salicornia, morphology does not provide reliable diagnostic characters supporting the true extent of evolutionary divergence in the genus, and species concepts have been challenged by molecular analyses. Here, we report the results of an analysis of 91 accessions of the S. meyeriana complex from South Africa and Namibia using the measurements of 38 morphological traits and external transcribed spacer (ETS) sequence data. Morphological data were analysed using discriminant analysis, principal coordinate analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Phylogenetic divergence was compared with the geographical and ecological diversity of the sampled populations. Tree topology corresponds t…
Relative contribution of different l-arginine sources to the substrate supply of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
In certain cases of endothelial dysfunction l-arginine becomes rate-limiting for NO synthesis in spite of sufficiently high plasma concentrations of the amino acid. To better understand this phenomenon, we investigated routes of substrate supply to endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Our previous data with human umbilical vein (HUVEC) and EA.hy.926 endothelial cells demonstrated that eNOS can obtain its substrate from the conversion of l-citrulline to l-arginine and from protein breakdown. In the present study, we determined the quantitative contribution of proteasomal and lysosomal protein degradation and investigated to what extent extracellular peptides and l-citrulline can provide…